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A brief introduction of Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is a fictional superhero in DC Comics. Wonder Woman is creating from the clay around 200 B.C with the help of the Amazon Gods. Wonder Woman is born to be a warrior and she is depicted as a female hero that fought for justice, love and peace.

Wonder Woman is a compassionate caring, stubborn, opinionated, highly competitive, outgoing, immortal Amazon. Wonder Woman is fearless and focused on her objectives. She will not hesitate to break the law if it’s for the greater good. She will not hide from her actions and always makes herself available to face the consequences.

Wonder Woman is a young sexy lady so that I will use the shadow on the side of the forehead, jaw, chin and a little on the neck. Also, I will use the highlight inside of the shadows. In addition, I will use highlight from the end of the eyebrow to the temple, highlight the apple of cheek, and the bridge of the nose to make the character looks younger and energetic.


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  • Feb 27 Thu 2020 10:03
  • Noun -



Noun named things and naming is one of those skills we pick up at an early age 


the common definition of Noun: A NOUN is a word that names a PERSON, a PLACE,or a THING. Noun can name things that we can touch, taste, see, hear, feel and smell. However, Noun also refer to concepts (freedom), states ( frustration), activities ( running), time ( tomorrow), and more. 

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Teaching Seminar Lesson Plan

# Tzu-Chun Lin 901245399 (Dehydration)




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 Develop main theme 

1. the big idea 

2. massage to be conveyed

3. a statement that conveyed what you are interpreting 

4. the meaning that you hope to be retained

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    有人的生命軌跡 :  2013 ~2014 有人在台達電當能源講師  

2007年台達基金會自美國引進「全校式經營能源教育」(K-12 Energy Education Program, KEEP) 教材,嘗試讓能源教育走入校園。自2008年起,每年培訓八十名企業志工,到國小校園推廣能源教育課程。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyE1Z23IzIw


  K-12 Energy Education Program

The Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program, also known as KEEP, is Wisconsin's Energy Education K-12 teacher and student resource. With support from Wisconsin gas and electric utilities, KEEP has reached more than 8,000 teachers statewide since it started in 1993. KEEP workshops cover topics like basic energy concepts, renewable energy, school building energy efficiency, biomass and other special energy topics. KEEP is housed in the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education at UW-Stevens Point. The program has expanded its scope of work beyond teacher professional development to teach students how to take leadership roles in their schools and promote sustainable energy behaviors at school, at home and in their communities.

KEEP offers several on‑site student training programs, including Student Energy Audit Training (SEAT) for grades 6 through 8. Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) role models assist with turning the school into a field trip experience with help from facilities personnel and hands‑on activities from the Alliance to Save Energy. This program is offered as a half‑day or full‑day.

Investigations for Students in Energy Efficiency (I-SEE) is a data‑driven analysis of students' own family energy consumption data. Students increase their knowledge, skills and confidence. An online tracking dashboard allows students to track their energy usage while utilizing KEEP's hands-on energy audit toolkit for school and home.


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Join Projects WET, WILD and Learning Tree in exploring three early childhood curricula that target ages 3-9.

This workshop will be held at Oatland Island Ed Center in Savannah and is limited to 30 participants.  



  Welcome to Oatland Island Wildlife Center

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最近看了幾個教案都是有關於水的課程,所以想介紹美國 PROJECT WET組織,美國有三個在介紹環境教育的計畫。一個是專門在介紹水資源的PROJECT WET ,一個是介紹自然生物的 PROJECT WILD ( 有分成陸地跟海洋生物兩本) , PROJECT LEARNING TREE ( 在介紹自然界中的植物)

這三種都是美國為了讓國小到高中的學生,更加了解自然生態設計的課程,他邀請專家學者以及現場的老師共同編纂課程,課程施行之後,又會到教育現場施行後進行再修正。所以基本上,每個課程我覺得都不錯。在美國讀書的時候,把 project learning tree 跟 project wild 的證書拿到手,又趁地球日拿到了關於氣候變遷的證書。 



 關於 Project WET


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Stage make up : Stout Face 

 things you need 

1. foundation color 

2. shadow color

3. two brushes

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For the spring semester, I took a course called "How to teach Linguistic and Grammar". We have the main course book and teacher offered some others as references as well. "How to teach Grammar" is one of them. 


 author : Scott Thornbury  

He is currently Curriculum Coordinator of the MA TESOL program at The New School in New York. Also, he is an associate of the International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi), an online campus dedicated to teacher development.

photo credit : amazon 

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Name of the Activity: Squeeze the word



Course or subject

science class

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Stage make up : lean face

想透過化妝改變自己的年紀嗎?或說想利用化妝讓自己臉變小,就可以利用 lean face 的神秘力量

 things you need 

1. foundation color 

2. shadow color

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As an actor, you need to change your appearence to fit the character well. 


1. A crepe hair ( you can use real hair if you want to )

2. Spirit Gum

3.  a pair of scissor 


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Through make-up, people can change their out-figures. Today we are going to practice how to use make-up to cover the eyebrow. 


1. professional 


photo credits  https://www.amazon.com/Kryolan-1420-Eyebrow-Plastic/dp/B014TV8YI0

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 APA (American Psychological Association) in-text and reference list citations.


(一)期刊 1. 作者七人以內: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx(xx), xxx-xxx. doi:xx.xxx

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 Ice breaker 


Invite students to make a big circle
Introduce your name quickly 
Take a doll or a soft ball and explain the rules 

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Follow my steps to do corrective make up: 


Image may contain: make-up


1.  Clean face (shaved in case)

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 author: Richard Louv   http://www.RichardLouv.com

Keep up with Richard Louv's blog here: http://www.childrenandnature.org/blog/


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This assignment will also help you better understand the different approaches to grammar and how they affect the presentation of information and the teaching methods selected.


  1. Go over the list of grammar textbooks provided below and make sure you can locate all the books (you either have a physical copy or access to the online book)
  2. Place either textbook into one or more of these categories: descriptive, prescriptive, rhetorical, pedagogical, and critical. Write down one reason why you placed a certain book in a certain category (use quotes or paraphrases from assigned readings in this course as support when necessary). 
  3. Synthesize and summarize the characteristics of descriptive, prescriptive, rhetorical, pedagogical, and critical grammar textbooks and their intended readers. 

  List of grammar textbooks for the assignment

 Grammar Alive! A Guide for Teachers, 2003, by Brock Haussamen,


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For spring semester, I took the course called "Adventure Education". Here are some simple notes I took for reviewing . 
    textbook :Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming

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For the Spring semester, I took a course call, "Environmental Interpretation". Here are simple notes I took for reviewing 


 author: Richard Louv


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