目前分類:國高中英語 (18)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Section 1 - Transition Words and Phrases


Section 2 - Coordinators

  • Definition: Words that indicate the consequence or result of an action or event.
  • Examples:
    • "As a result" : " She studied diligently for the exam; as a result, she scored exceptionally well."
    • "As a consequence"
    • "Therefore"
    • "Hence"
  • Effect Signal Words: Conveying PRACTICE
  • Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate transition words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the correct option to complete the sentence.

  • She studied diligently for the exam; ________, she scored exceptionally well.

  • The heavy rain caused flooding in the area; ________, many roads were impassable.

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Section 1 - Coordinators

  • Definition: Words that connect independent clauses to show cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Examples:
    • "For" : "The car wouldn't start, for the battery was dead."
    • "Because"
    • "Since"
    • "As"
  • Cause Signal Words: Understand PRACTICE
  • Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate coordinator. Fill in the blanks with the correct option to complete the sentence.

  • The car wouldn't start, ________ the battery was dead.

  • She missed the bus, ________ she overslept.

  • The team lost the match, ________ they lacked proper coordination.

  • The project was delayed, ________ several team members were absent.


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Section 1 - Transitional Words and Phrases

  • Definition: Words that express contrast while acknowledging opposing ideas.
  • Examples:
    • "Nevertheless" : "She didn't win the competition; nevertheless, she received praise for her exceptional performance."
    • "Nonetheless"
    • "Still"
    • "However"
  • Concession Signal Words: Balan 練習題
  • Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate transitional words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the correct option to complete the sentence.

  • She didn't win the competition; ______, she received praise for her exceptional performance.

  • The weather was unfavorable for hiking; ______, they decided to explore the nearby town instead.

  • He faced numerous challenges in his career; ______, he never gave up on his dreams.

  • The team was exhausted after the match; ______, they celebrated their victory.


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Section 1 - Transition Words and Phrases

  • Definition: Words that emphasize contrast and opposition in writing.
  • Examples:
    • "However" : Example: "She enjoys reading fiction novels; however, her brother prefers non-fiction."
    • "In contrast"
    • "Nevertheless"
    • "On the other hand"
  • Direct Opposition Signal Words practice
  • Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate transition words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the correct option to complete the sentence.

  • She enjoys reading fiction novels; ______, her brother prefers non-fiction.

  • The experiment yielded unexpected results; ______, it provided valuable insights into the research.

  • He is an excellent team player; ______, he tends to be reserved in social settings.

  • I wanted to go hiking this weekend; ______, my friend suggested a day at the beach instead.


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Section 1 - Transition Words and Phrases

  • Definition: Words that connect ideas and guide readers through comparisons.
  • Examples:
    • "Similarly" : Example : "The new smartphone model has a sleek design; similarly, it boasts advanced camera features."
    • "Likewise"
    • "In contrast"
    • "On the other hand"
  • Comparison Signal Words: Enhan practice:
  • The new smartphone model has a sleek design; ______, it boasts advanced camera features.

  • ______ their differences in opinions, the two friends managed to find common ground.

  • The city not only offers a vibrant nightlife but ______ has a rich cultural scene.

  • She excels in both academics and sports; ______, she is a well-rounded individual.

  • ______ the challenging weather conditions, the team persevered and reached the summit.


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Japan says one in 10 residents are aged 80 or above as nation turns gray



高中英語聽力閱讀練習2 單字 

Demographic: Relating to the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, and ethnicity.

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The North American airports that travelers find the most – and least – satisfying



高中英語聽力閱讀練習1 單字閱讀 

1. **Terminal**: The building or area at an airport where passengers board or disembark from aircraft.

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photo credit 博客來


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顏色在英語世界來說就跟數字一樣基本,所以大多數的學生有已經有一定的程度了,所以在教顏色主題的時候,通常會加深加廣,例如: 中年級的顏色可以配合情緒教學,高年級的顏色可以配合顏色的片語或適於俗語教學。

因為 娘家賊創新工作室的夥伴,整理很多好用的教學圖片給我,順手把他跟網路上的資源整合。

 圖片來源 OiKID 臉書 


  YT: Idioms & Phrases of Colours 

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下面是停課在家的時候,適合國中生練習的三個免費英語閱讀網站: (依照難易度分類)

 rong-chang ESL Easy Reading(榮昌ESL英語學習網站)



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國中有會考,注重英語文章的閱讀理解,需要大量的單字當成基礎,國小背過的單字幾乎只是過眼雲煙,到了國中又是另外一片天地。國中開始因為要大量閱讀文章,除了了解單字是不夠的,還要了解 動詞片語的意涵,以及不同介係詞引發的不同意思。對於背單字,是學生永遠的恐慌,所以這次找了 一本還算順眼的單字書   心智圖神奇記憶國中英單2000:聯想記憶不死背  搭配 常春藤基礎英文字彙 2250 APP 使用。至少學生對於背單字,不再是那麼恐懼。




getImage (1).jpg


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  1. *可數名詞與不可數名詞
  2. 可數名詞的複數形
  3. *專有名詞



  1. 代名詞的單複數形(I, we, you, he, she, it, they)
  2. 代名詞的受格(you, him, her, it, us, them)
  3. 代名詞所有格(my, his, her, your)
  4. 不定代名詞one, ones的用法
  5. 所有格代名詞 (mine, yours, * his, * hers, * theirs)
  6. 反身代名詞



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A─   a(an), a few, a little, a lot, a.m., able, about, above, abroad, absent, accept, accident, across, act, action, active, activity, actor, actress, actually, add, address, admire, adult, advertisement, advice, advise, affect, afraid, after, afternoon, again, against, age, ago, agree, ahead, aim, air, air conditioner, airlines, airplane (plane), airport, alarm, album, alike, alive, all, allow, almost, alone, along, aloud, alphabet, already, also, altogether, always, ambulance, America, American, among, amount, ancient, and, angel, anger, angry, ankle, animal, another, answer, ant, any, anyone (anybody), anything, anywhere, apartment, apologize, appear, apple, appreciate, April, area, argue, arm, armchair, army, around, arrange, arrive, art, artist, as, ask, asleep, assistant, assume, at, attack, attention, August, aunt, autumn (fall), available, avoid, away


 B─  baby, baby sitter, back, backpack, backward, bad, badminton, bag, bake, bakery, balcony, ball, balloon, banana, band, bank, barbecue, barber, bark, base, baseball, basement, basic, basket, basketball, bat, bath, bathe, bathroom, be (am, is, are, was, were, been), beach, bean, bear, beard, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, beginner, beginning, behave, behind, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, beside, besides, between, beyond, bicycle (bike), big, bill, biology, bird, birthday, bite, bitter, black, blackboard, blame, blank, blanket, bless, blind, block, blood, blouse, blow, blue, board, boat, body, boil, bomb, bone, book, bookcase, bookstore, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bother, bottle, bottom, bow, bowl, bowling, box, boy, branch, brave, bread, break, breakfast, brick, bridge, bright, bring, broad, broadcast, brother, brown, brunch, brush, bucket, buffet, bug, build, building, bun, bundle, burger, burn, burst, bus, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, butterfly, button, buy, by 


 C─  cabbage, cable, cafeteria, cage, cake, calendar, call, calm, camera, camp, campus, can (could), cancel, cancer, candle, candy, cap, captain, car, card, care, careful, careless, carpet, carrot, carry, cartoon, case, cash, cassette, castle, cat, catch, cause, ceiling, celebrate, cellphone, cent, center, centimeter, central, century, cereal, certain, chair, chalk, chance, change, channel, character, charge, chart, chase, cheap, cheat, check, cheer, cheese, chemistry, chess, chicken, child, childhood, childish, childlike, chin, China, Chinese, chocolate, choice, choose, chopsticks, Christmas, chubby, church, circle, city, clap, class, classical, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clerk, clever, climate, climb, clock, close, closet, clothes, cloud, cloudy, club, coach, coast, coat, cockroach, coffee, coin, cola, cold, collect, college, color, colorful, comb, come, comfortable, comic, command, comment, common, company, compare, complain, complete, computer, concern, confident, confuse, congratulation, consider, considerate, contact lens, continue, contract, control, convenience store, convenient, conversation, cook, cookie, cool, copy, corn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, couch, cough, count, country, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, cow, cowboy, crab, crayon, crazy, cream, create, credit card, crime, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, culture, cup, cure, curious, current, curtain, curve, custom, customer, cut, cute 

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圖片來源 - 林淑媛老師  http://www.chere.idv.tw/teach/worksheet.htm


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 Part 1 名詞Nouns

 單數 singular  & 複數 plural  名詞 


圖片來源 中市數位教學資源單  https://etoe.tc.edu.tw/index/vrs/did/30616 

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 國一 :

第一冊:  http://siro.moe.edu.tw/teach/index.php?n=0&m=0&cmd=&sb=2&v=1

  1. 1.招呼語及專有名詞
  2. 2.What 引導的問句及答句,代名詞所有格
  3. 3.Be V 句型(肯定、否定、疑問),人稱代名詞主格,不定冠詞 指示詞 (this, that)
  4. 4.祁使句,定冠詞 the
  5. 5.Who 引導的問句及答句
  6. 6.Where 引導的問句及答句,問地方,場所介詞,介紹國家
  7. 7.現在進行式
  8. 8.基數( 0~9 ),人稱代名詞複數,名詞單複數 , these, those
  9. 9.問年紀及回答,基數 (10~19)
  10. 10.助動詞 can 的用法
  11. 11.引介句用法
  12. 12.感嘆句
  13. 13.and/but 連接詞、形容詞用法

第二冊  http://siro.moe.edu.tw/teach/index.php?n=0&m=0&cmd=&sb=2&v=2

  1. 1.現在簡單式句型 ( 含肯定句,否定句,疑問句 ) , some, any
  2. 2.第三人稱單數現在簡單式句型 ( 含肯定句,否定句,疑問句 )可數名詞及不可數名詞
  3. 3.問時間,基數 (1~60)
  4. 4.What 引導的問句
  5. 5.星期
  6. 6.月份,日期,序數 、時間介詞
  7. 7.頻率副詞,搭乘交通工具
  8. 8.Have to/has to、天氣的表達
  9. 9.Which 的用法
  10. 10.Be 過去式用法 ( 含肯定句,否定句,疑問句 )
  11. 11.不規則動詞過去式
  12. 12.規則動詞過去式
  13. 13.a lot of/lots of/many/much/some/a few/a little的用法gave 授與動詞用法


 國二 :

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Note of Grammar to get things done 168-182
Adjectives, Adverbs, and Conju Adjectives : the words that modify the meaning of Nouns ( give more information about Noun)
1. Modifier

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