目前分類:FLTA (28)
- Dec 31 Fri 2021 15:01
Survival Chinese 生存華語
- Sep 30 Wed 2020 14:30
Tzu-Chun Lin, graduated from University of Taipei majoring in English Instruction. Tzu-Chun served as an FLTA at Georgia Southern University from 2019 to 2020.Tzu-Chun was deeply moved by Mr. Fulrbight’s vision of how the world should be,” A world with a little more knowledge, a little less conflict”. She believes that being an FLTA allows her to play an important role in realizing Mr. Fulbright’s vision.
She is a creative, efficient, and responsible person. She likes to travel all over the world and being able to speak English helps her to get to know more about the world. When meeting friends from overseas, she would introduce Taiwan to the world through various activities such as board games, simple DIY, and lectures. Being a part of this quickly changing world,Taiwan is also facing a big change nowadays. She believes that people who love Taiwan can make Taiwan better. Therefore, when she is back in Taiwan, she wants to share her experience of American Culture, and different styles of running a school.
- Jun 09 Tue 2020 08:57
- Jun 08 Mon 2020 08:47
- May 01 Fri 2020 13:05
IIE has recently uploaded your Form 1042-S to your Sprintax TDS account. To access, login to TDS (https://tds.sprintax.com/) and click on the “Tax Forms” page to view and download your 1042-S. This document reports the income that you received from IIE during 2019 and was reported to the IRS. You will need this document and any other income documents and records that you have received relating to the 2019 tax year.
Once you have all of your tax forms (1042s and if applicable a W2 or 1099) and you are ready to start preparing your tax return, IIE has arranged free access to Sprintax Tax Preparation for you. Sprintax will guide you through the tax preparation process, arrange the necessary documents and check if you’re due a tax refund.
- Dec 14 Sat 2019 21:50
FLTA Mid-Year conference Day 3
The FLTA Mid-Year Conference
The FLTA Mid-Year Conference was sponsored by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) aims to enhance FLTA's experience in the US as a teacher, student, and a cultural ambassador by strengthening your teaching methodology and providing you with supplementary classroom techniques and professional skills for the semester ahead and upon return home.
Day three
- Dec 13 Fri 2019 21:46
DC Mid-Year Conference Day 2
The FLTA Mid-Year Conference
The FLTA Mid-Year Conference was sponsored by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) aims to enhance FLTA's experience in the US as a teacher, student, and a cultural ambassador by strengthening your teaching methodology and providing you with supplementary classroom techniques and professional skills for the semester ahead and upon return home.
Mid-Year Conference Objectives
1. to provide participants with a professional development opportunity in language teaching and intercultural education through workshops on innovative teaching tools, resources, and techniques.
- Dec 13 Fri 2019 00:15
Fulbright Mid-Year Conference Day 1
It's a great honor to receive Fulbright Grant. Once a Fulbrighter, always be a Fulbrighter.
The Fulbright FLTA Program
The Fulbright FLTA Program is the US government's flagship international exchange program. Led by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in partnership with 49 binational commissions and 160 countries worldwide, Fulbright offers unique international and cultural exchange programs for passionate and accomplished students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professional og all backgrounds and all fields.
- Nov 17 Sun 2019 06:37
Mid-term Conference Itinerary
Mid-term Conference Itinerary
12/11 WED
Set off Savanah @ 9:29 & Arrive in Washington DC@ 0308 pm
Live in Marriott Marquis Hotel (901 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20001) Bu uber
- Nov 12 Tue 2019 04:41
FLTA Conference Participation
Conference Participation
- Nov 05 Tue 2019 10:46
Community service video “TZUTZU TALK SHOW”
Good evening. Today I would like to share a quote of Tuesdays with Morrie. "So many people walk around with a meaningless life they seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you got meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives your purposes and meaning.”
Do you get involved in your community? Have you ever done the community service before? Let’s check out how a new comer of Georgia Southern University found her way to get into Statesboro. Let’s check it out.
- Oct 30 Wed 2019 02:42
I engaged in my community in many ways such as culture activity, lecture and volunteer.
First of all, the first festival we did was "Confucius' Birthday" or "Teacher's Day". In class, we gave a simple introduction of Confucius and his book "LUNYU" and then we did the activity called, "Ba zhihui mao". I attached many Confucius words on the ox's tail and students took turns to pull out one of them which symbolized you took some wisdom from Confucius. Off class, we served a hot tea to all the teachers who devoted themselves in Education.
Second, we had Chinese Conversation Hour once a week. I taught them how to use simple Chinese to do self-introduction, make an order in restaurant, to say different jobs and positions. In addition, I seized the chance to introduce my country. I wrote a poem to show Taiwan in various aspect. Also, I combined Board game into my Chinese Teaching which make the class more fun and interesting meanwhile students can use sentences actively.
- Oct 20 Sun 2019 04:57
The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages create a roadmap to guide learners to develop competence to communicate effectively and interact with cultural competence to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.
The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages define the central role of world languages in the learning career of every student. The five goal areas of the Standards establish an inextricable link between communication and culture, which is applied in making connections and comparisons and in using this competence to be part of local and global communities.
The five “C” goal areas (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) stress the application of learning a language beyond the instructional setting. The goal is to prepare learners to apply the skills and understandings measured by the Standards, to bring a global competence to their future careers and experiences.
- Oct 20 Sun 2019 04:26
Authentic material
Interactive reading and listening comprehension tasks should be designed and carried out using authentic cultural texts of various kinds with appropriate scaffolding and follow-up tasks that promote interpretation. Authentic texts are defined as “written by members of a language and culture group for members of the same language and culture group” (Galloway, 1998, p. 133, as cited in Glisan). Scaffolding refers to the support provided for learners to promote acquisition of skills and concepts. Follow-up tasks include activities that provide learners with the opportunity to apply or practice the new skill or concept.
Authentic materials provide real-life examples of language used in everyday situations. They can be used to add more interest for the learner. They can serve as a reminder to learners that there is an entire population who use the target language in their everyday lives. Authentic materials can provide information about the target culture and provide that culture’s perspective on an issue or event. The rich language found in authentic materials provides a source of input language learners need for acquisition.
The interpretive mode is receptive communication and the learner must negotiate meaning with the document itself. Since the reader, viewer, or listener is using both content and context to interpret and comprehend what they are reading, viewing, or listening to, learners benefit from making meaning from authentic cultural texts of various kinds with appropriate scaffolding and follow-up tasks that promote accurate interpretation.
- Oct 18 Fri 2019 03:29
anticipant : host *2
Singer *2 :
( 台下需要合音: + & 美妆 “” )
- Sep 26 Thu 2019 22:03
2019年,二十一位傅爾布萊特教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫獲獎人(Fulbright FLTA: 高久雅、林珮瑜、顏妙瑜、邱子玲、蔡純瑋、徐新瑜、蔡幸珊、呂艾玲、周怡怡、楊玲、潘冠霖、魏肇慧、田玲華、林嶽峙、張賀玟、陳綠葳、詹雅智、王瓔錚、徐珮倫、黃彥辰、葉雯瑾 等) 與台師大蕭惠貞教授、教育部及學術交流基金會合作,推出【FLTA華語自學者繪本書系列】一套共十二冊。
FLTA華語自學者繪本書系列以虛擬美籍主角「傅台美」(Mia Fulbright)來台灣交換一年的生活體驗為背景,探索台灣12個主題,包括:泡溫泉(1月)、拜月老(2月)、逛夜市(3月)、吃喜酒(4月)、大遊行(5月)、採茶趣(6月)、環島行(7月)、墾丁趣 (8月)、放天燈(9月)、瘋美食(10月)、吃湯圓(11月)、跨年去(12月)。 繪本包括對話、情境表達、語言實踐、文化點滴等單元。本套書提供華語教學者一份實用的文化教材,也是華語學習者精進華語並了解台灣不可或缺的圖文書。
- Aug 16 Fri 2019 07:14
Before the semester get started, all the chinese FLTA will gather together to discuss about what we are going to do, and the role the professor want us to play in the campus.
there are a few things that we are going to do
be patient and find an easy way to explain
to the beginner of learning a new language, teacher must be patient and siplified the language you use. Besides, input is very important that we encourage to
1. use target langugae in class
- Aug 12 Mon 2019 10:54
US culture shocked 美國文化衝擊
- Aug 08 Thu 2019 03:31
FLTA Taiwan Storybook
- Aug 06 Tue 2019 02:32
FLTA Arriving in the US
Although you must be very excited of visiting US BUT there are something you must done before you go to US
Before go to US