I engaged in my community in many ways such as culture activity, lecture and volunteer.
First of all, the first festival we did was "Confucius' Birthday" or "Teacher's Day". In class, we gave a simple introduction of Confucius and his book "LUNYU" and then we did the activity called, "Ba zhihui mao". I attached many Confucius words on the ox's tail and students took turns to pull out one of them which symbolized you took some wisdom from Confucius. Off class, we served a hot tea to all the teachers who devoted themselves in Education.
Second, we had Chinese Conversation Hour once a week. I taught them how to use simple Chinese to do self-introduction, make an order in restaurant, to say different jobs and positions. In addition, I seized the chance to introduce my country. I wrote a poem to show Taiwan in various aspect. Also, I combined Board game into my Chinese Teaching which make the class more fun and interesting meanwhile students can use sentences actively.
Finally, being a volunteer was the fastest way to know your community so that I applied for STEM Ambassador in Georgia Southern University. Luckily, I was selected by the Institute of Interdisciplinary STEM Education in GSU. As a STEM Ambassador, I had to join different Science Events and played different roles in it. For example, I took part in the STEMFEST as a Pollster which helped me to know the audience's reply and feedback. Also, we had "Science On the GO", which means we can go to your school to perform different science activities in need. Therefore, I learned the definition of STEM, many science activities that can operate in class, and the most important of all, I set up a nice relationship with people. Besides, I joined different festivals with another identity - volunteer. Take GreenFest for an example. I enrolled an activity called, "Clean Up Boro" which you worked with others to pick up all the trashes in the designed district. I was kind proud of myself at that time.
Every day is full of chances and challenges. Go and Take it and you will see a different YOU.