人生很幸運能擔任2019-2020的FULBRIGHTER並且分發到喬治亞南方大學服務,我們村離JAMES DEAN 居住的小鎮開車只要一個小時,所以村裡的圖書館每年會請 JAMES DEAN 到圖書館演講,簽書。
James Dean’s art has sold in more than ninety galleries and shops across the United States. He has devoted his paintings to Pete the Cat for fifteen years and has turned his natural love for cats into his life’s work. In 2004, Kimberly and James Dean sat down at their kitchen table to work on a children's book together. They left corporate jobs in the late nineties (James was an electrical engineer; Kimberly worked in the press office of the governor of Georgia) to pursue their passion for art, and they have experienced a life made up of strange and wonderful coincidences ever since. Their dream has finally become a reality with the release of the new Pete the Cat book, Pete's the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses. James published his first adult book, The Misadventures of Pete the Cat, a history of his artwork, in 2006. He illustrated his first self-published children’s book, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, in 2008, and the follow-up book, Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes, in 2011. Pete the Cat has brought magic into their lives. They work in side-by-side studios in Savannah, sharing their home with five cats and Emma the pug. James lives in Savannah, Georgia, with his wife, four cats, and one dog. You can visit him online at http://www.petethecat.com
Born 1957 in Fort Payne, Alabama, James Dean spent the majority of his early years watching his father, a self-taught artist, reproduce the art of the masters as a hobby. James, only in first grade, began drawing from cartoons such as Disney and Snoopy. Today, his art has sold in more than ninety galleries and shops across the United States. He has devoted his paintings to Pete the Cat, a scrawny black kitten James adopted in 1999 for years, and has turned his natural love for cats into his life's work. James published his first adult book, The Misadventures of Pete the Cat, a history of his artwork, in 2006. He illustrated his first self-published children's book, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, in 2008, and the follow-up book, Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes, in 2011. James lives in Savannah, Georgia, with his wife, four cats, and one dog.
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4IR8UndSM
Pete the cat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO9CekXWeNo&list=PL-TsjNp72wppKYr4HEdeGCpVclVWbUVOd
It’s Pete the Cat’s first time at the library. He gets a fun tour of library and even reads a few super cool stories while he’s there.
Without even leaving the library, Pete goes on so many groovy adventures. All Pete needs is a little imagination—and of course, his library card!
photo from Bookstore
The Perfect Pizza Party
It’s a party, a party, a perfect pizza party!
That’s what Pete thinks as he piles the pie high with his favorite topping—pepperoni. But then his friends come over and add their own toppings to the pizza. Will Pete’s perfect pizza be ruined? There’s only one way to find out!
photo from Bookstore
I Love My White Shoes
Pete the Cat is off for a walk in his brand new white shoes, and he feels like singing. ‘I love my white shoes…’ But can he keep the music flowing if his shoes aren’t so white any more?
Pete the Cat is feeling good in his brand new white shoes, just walking along, singing his song. ‘I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes…’ Groovy! But when Pete steps in some strawberries, some blueberries, and some mud, his shoes aren’t so white any more!
But even without his white shoes, Pete the Cat is all good…
photo from Bookstore
Rocking in My School Shoes
Pete the Cat is rocking along, singing his song… and this time he’s at school!
No matter where he goes, and even when he’s in brand new places in a brand new school, Pete the Cat just keeps on singing. And what happens when he has to do it all again tomorrow?
photo from Bookstore
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas
It’s Christmas and time to deliver the presents… but Santa isn’t feeling well! Who can save not just the day, but Christmas? It’s all good… hilarious and loveable Pete the Cat is here!
Pete the Cat is back, and this time it’s Santa who needs his help! When Santa isn’t feeling good, someone needs to deliver the presents! Pete the Cat can help, because even when you’re small, when it comes to Christmas, you give it your all…
photo from Bookstore
His Four Groovy Buttons
Pete the Cat is wearing his favorite shirt?the one with the four totally groovy buttons. But when one falls off, does Pete cry? Goodness, no! He just keeps on singing his song?after all, what could be groovier than three groovy buttons? Count down with Pete in this rocking new story from the creators of the bestselling Pete the Cat books.
photo from Bookstore
Ding, ding. There’s nothing Pete the Cat loves to do more on a sunny day than ring his little bell and pedal fast on his bicycle. But on this sunny day, Turtle wants to race someone in his new car. Vroom, vroom! Pete and his bicycle are up for the challenge!And when Pete crosses the finish line, he proves it’s not where you’re going that matters, it’s how groovy of a time you have getting there! Includes over 30 fun stickers!
photo from Bookstore
OFFICAIL http://www.petethecatbooks.com/
audio https://thelearninggroove.bandcamp.com/
Unable to decide which outfit will make him look cool at school, Pete the Cat considers the many colorful choices in his wardrobe before discovering that it is not what he wears, but how he wears his clothes that makes him cool. Simultaneous. 175,000 first printing.
photo from Bookstore