目前分類:IB (56)

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Nelson Mandela said, "If you speak to a man in a language he understands, that goes to the head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to the heart."


In the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework, **ATL** stands for **Approaches to Learning**.

It refers to a set of skills that IB students develop to support their learning across all subject areas. The IB identifies five core ATL skill categories:**self-directed, lifelong learners**: how to learn effectively.

1. **Thinking Skills**: Developing critical, creative, and reflective thinking.

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Workshop: International Minded  The international-mindedness journey: School practices for developing and assessing international-mindedness across the IB continuum

Barratt Hacking, E., Blackmore, C., Bullock, K., Bunnell, T., Donnelly, M., & Martin, S. (2017). The international-mindedness journey: School practices for developing and assessing international-mindedness across the IB continuum (Summary developed by the IB Research department). University of Bath, Department of Education.

Workshop: International Minded


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Analysis and reflection on inquiry

1.      Introduction 4 levels of Inquiry

To shift away from an exam-oriented educational environment, Taiwan introduced the 108 Curriculum in 2020. This curriculum aims to inspire students' learning motivation, cultivate curiosity, enhance exploratory abilities, foster critical thinking and judgment, and develop their capacity for action (Edu Bureau, 2014). According to Berghoff et al. (2000), inquiry-based learning is an approach that involves discovering and solving problems, emphasizing students' proactive engagement in their education. Consequently, inquiry-based learning has been integrated into various subjects, such as science and computer science in Taiwan.

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IBDP  或是 IBMYP 都是只在暑假開課,因為要配合國外的老師線上教學。大概就是16週的課程擠壓在星期六日或是星期三下午上完;雖然是暑期線上課程,但是上課內容跟評量方式都是維持一定水準,不會讓你划水安全過關的。

1. 16週的課程,包含兩次的工作坊及兩到三次的OFFICE HOUR 。非常充實。

IBDP Summer


2. 個人作業  (30+ 30% )

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Student completion of CAS is based on the achievement of the seven CAS learning outcomes realized through the student’s commitment to his or her CAS programme over a period of 18 months. These learning outcomes articulate what a CAS student is able to do at some point during his or her CAS programme. Through meaningful and purposeful CAS experiences, students develop the necessary skills, attributes and understandings to achieve the seven CAS learning outcomes.

IBDP CAS 7 outcomes

LO 1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Descriptor: Students are able to see themselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, of which some are more developed than others.

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


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應用Big6設計探究華語教案main learning objectives

Ss can create lyrics by using different frameworks of patterns in literature works

Ss can realize social issues with holistic view 


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IB語言與文學: 三大領域七大概念五大議題the three areas of exploration

This area of exploration focuses on the concerns of intertextuality, or the connections between and among 
media, text and audience involving diverse traditions and ideas. 

一. readers, writers and texts


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The Big 6 Inquiry Model  the definition of inquiry 

Inquiry is a study into a worthy question, issue, problem or idea. It is the authentic, real work that that someone in the community might tackle. It is the type of work that those working in the disciplines actually undertake to create or build knowledge. Therefore, inquiry involves serious engagement and investigation and the active creation and testing of new knowledge.



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IB 語言與文學雖然沒有正式的課本,但是有建議的書單,老師在規劃課程的時候,可以先到官方網站找尋建議的書單,這樣備課起來也會更加方便唷。


IB Prescribed Reading Searchin 語言與文學書單查詢


IB Prescribed Reading Searchin


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Course: IBDP ( Literature Review of International Mindedness )

Why International Mindedness Matters?


        Since President Tsai published the “2030 Bilingual Policy” in 2018, the educational system in Taiwan has undergone significant changes in various ways. Firstly, in higher education, we have implemented “English as a Medium of Instruction.” English is now not only a language but also a tool for learning new things. Secondly, universities have started to train both bilingual and international teachers, offering Taiwanese educators the opportunity to compete internationally. Thirdly, experimental education has been flourishing across Taiwan, giving students the choice to follow the ROC Education System or explore international education systems like the IB. However, compared to foreign students, Taiwanese students still struggle to immerse themselves in other cultures quickly due to a lack of something important: “International Mindedness.” (IM)

        “Why International Mindedness Matters?” According to the International Baccalaureate (IB) mission statement, the programs "encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right" (International Baccalaureate, n.d.). In my point of view, language is like a bridge that brings us closer, but to understand more deeply, you need to immerse yourself in the target culture, be aware of global issues, and demonstrate international competence. In this article, I will elaborate on the definition of International Mindedness and its core components. I will discuss the framework of International Mindedness and present research evidence on its importance and challenges.


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Knowledge Framework 


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IB: how to scaffold Ss to talk Approaches to teaching - removing barriers to learning - What can we do to make participation more comfortable, more inviting for more of our students?

IB: how to scaffold Ss to talk offer framework : asking questions 

“What you said about…makes me wonder…”
“You suggested…would that also apply to…”
“Could you elaborate on…”

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臺北市立西松高中在2021年取得IB 國際組織授權,成為全臺第一所公立IBDP 高中, 臺北市立中正高級中學於2023年4月獲國際文憑組織(IBO)授權認證為IB世界學校,為臺灣第一所IBO認證通過16-18歲階段二套課程(IBDP / IBCP)的學校。為了銜接IB教育,臺北市濱江實驗國民中學於2022年4月獲得國際文憑組織(IBO)認證為IB世界學校(IB world school),成為全臺第一所公立IB-MYP實驗國中,並於112年學年正式對外招生。此外,台北市市育成高中、和平高中、桃源國中與北政國中亦於2022年成為IB 候選學校。



圖片來源 https://www.ibo.org/school/061864/



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(筆記) 核心問題:開啟學生理解之門 什麼是核心問題? 


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成長性思維行動指南。江裕真(譯)  成長性思維行動指南

Brock, A., & Hundley, H. (2023). 《成長性思維行動指南:培養孩子恆毅力與心理韌性的45堂實踐課》。江裕真(譯)。台灣:親子天下。



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《IBDP國際文憑中文教學與實踐》鄒蕙蘭, 湯麗麗(2022  《IBDP國際文憑中文教學與實踐》

鄒蕙蘭, 湯麗麗(2022)。《IBDP國際文憑中文教學與實踐》。台灣:新學林。

《IBDP國際文憑中文教學與實踐》鄒蕙蘭, 湯麗麗(2022

圖片來源 博客來 

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IBMYP教與學剖析;鄒蕙蘭(2021) IBMYP教與學剖析



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西方學術優點在於善於引導學生思考,這是東方比較沒有的教學習慣;然而,人工智慧興起,死記大量的知識已經不重要了,如何思考創造新知識,成為新一代學生要學習的重點。美國第一學府哈佛大學開啟 <零點計畫>,從藝術教育起家,將引導學生思考的歷程,鉅細靡遺地記錄下來,如果你還沒看過 《讓思考變得可見》,建議您去翻閱看看。

(Ron Ritchhart)Making Thinking


(Ron Ritchhart)Making Thinking 什麼是Project Zero

Project Zero(PZ)是位於哈佛大學教育學院的研究項目,始於1967年,由哲學家尼爾森·古德曼創辦,初期由西茲院長(Dean Theodore Sizer)協助,並得到Old Dominion Foundation的資金支持。最初的目標是進行有關藝術教育的基礎研究。

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