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IB MYP Design assessment criteria


IB MYP Design assessment crite year 1 (grade 6th)

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing 

At the end of year 1, students should be able to:

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ATT & ATL  Change Journal 

Educator: Navigating Current Educational Trends

I. Introduction
“Teach for future and the future is now.” This well-known slogan has resonated across various educational platforms. It emphasizes that educators who evolve with contemporary educational trends are less susceptible to being replaced by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). We, Educators should transform into different teaching methods with the current educational trends. This change journal involves documenting experiences, insights, and transformations of this lecture.

II. From Initial Teaching Approach to IB ATT& ATL 

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75 Formative Assessment Exampl 75 Formative Assessment Examples  (By Chris Drew (PhD) / August 25, 2023)


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IB Workshop: ATT & ATL ATL means Approaches to Learning.

The "Approaches to Learning" (ATL) is a framework developed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) organization. It is an integral part of the IB program and is designed to help students develop the skills they need to become independent learners, critical thinkers, and responsible members of a global community.

IB Workshop: ATT & ATL Thinking Skills:  The ability to creatively and critically analyse, apply, evaluate, synthesize, conceptualize, contextualize, reason, and solve problems

Critical Thinking: Analyzing and evaluating issues and ideas.

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TOK metacognitive journal

A Journey to Find Real Knowledge


In the intricate world of TOK, an IB requirement demanding a significant investment of time and effort, the pursuit of understanding takes center stage. Our recent TOK workshop served as a crucible of experience, blending discussion, lecture, and hands-on learning. This reflection delves into the essence of TOK, exploring the definition of knowledge, the transformative journey it has spurred, and the unique learning experiences encountered.


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IB Global Context

  1. identities and relationships

Who am I? Who are we? Students will explore identity; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human.

Possible explorations to develop:

• competition and cooperation; teams, affiliation and leadership • identity formation, selfesteem, status, roles and role models • personal efficacy and agency; attitudes, motivations, independence; happiness and the good life • physical, psychological and social development, transitions, health and well-being, lifestyle choices • human nature and human dignity, moral reasoning and ethical judgment, consciousness and mind


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  • Nov 06 Mon 2023 21:15
  • IB TOK


他是一門必修課,大約100個小時學習時數。學生要通過TOK 必須通過 認識論課程有兩項評估作業:一篇命題論文(1600字)和一次口頭表達 (10分鐘)


IB TOK References 



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評量規準檢索平臺 #ietw2

評量規準檢索平臺 #ietw2 評量規準檢索平臺 



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如果想要寫英文的RUBRICS 但是又不知道從何下手,推薦一個英文網站叫做  rubrics make 。

製作英文Rubrics https://rubric-maker.com/


製作英文Rubrics   登入 

點選網站按下JOIN ,輸入自己的英文姓名以及EMAIL ,他就會寄一封信給你。


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IBMYP Key concepts & Related c references 

MYP: From principles into practice, 2014




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Title: Isolation (Oxidation and Reduction reaction) in our daily lives              
Subject: Science 
Topic: Isolation            
Grade: IBMYP10

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IBMYP: Language Aquirsition Gu IB mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people whohelp to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

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Flow state: so concentrated on something that you forgot time. 
Artist inventory G6 
Unit design 
Land based 
Time based 

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如果在師大成功申請IB學程,就可以先申請 MY IB 的帳號




建立MY IB 帳號

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PBL : project based learning 


AA: authentic assessment 

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要拿到IB 證照需要15小時的研習時數。


IB Workshop 1#assessment  Planning: Assignments and Formatives (quiz) to support Summatives (Unit test) 0819



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「美國各州共同核心標準」( Common Core State Standard,簡稱CCSS )為美國史上第一次教育人員與決策人員共同合作規劃的跨州共同標準,「共同標準聯盟」是倡議及推動的主體,而全美州長協會及各州學校主管委員會則為關鍵推手。



  English Language Arts Content-Specific Criteria


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如果你就讀台師大華語教學研究所,又剛好有國內的教師證,那麼你在三月四月的時候,可以考慮報名參加 台師大的國際教師學分學程 : 華語文教育組。這個是國內很夯的IB學校體系的教師證。拿華語文組為例子,如果你修畢專業18學分,加上教育學程10學分 (可以折抵) ,之後參與相關研習工作坊,實習兩個月,加英語能力B2證明後,就可以拿到國際教師證。未來如果要出國去相關IB 體系學校教書,應該會有一定的優勢。





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Self-introduction (topic)
1. Present your background, like major, personality, interests, sex, hometown,etc. (supporting details)
2. Share a quote (citation, a statement from someone famous) that profoundlyinfluences you (persuasion, legal support to bolster one’s argument)
3. Tell an impressive lie (creativity)

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IB Study Plan

As an experienced English teacher with over ten years of teaching experience, my teaching philosophy is centered around student-centered learning and the incorporation of new knowledge and materials into my classroom. I believe that each student is unique and learns differently, and as such, I strive to create an inclusive classroom environment that fosters learning and growth.
To achieve this, I utilize a variety of teaching methods, including project-based learning, collaborative learning, and experiential learning, to cater to the diverse needs of my students. Furthermore, I constantly adapt my teaching style to integrate new concepts, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), into my curriculum to ensure my students receive a relevant and holistic education. In addition, I am a firm believer in using technology as a tool to enhance learning. By integrating technology into my teaching methods, I create a dynamic learning environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and engagement. Ultimately, my goal as an educator is to create an atmosphere of learning and growth where students feel empowered to take ownership of their education and develop the skills necessary to succeed in today's rapidly changing world.
Besides, The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a globally recognized and respected education program that has become increasingly popular among high school students around the world. As an aspiring educator, I believe that taking the IB course will provide me with numerous benefits that will be advantageous to my personal and professional growth.
      Firstly, following the global trend of pursuing an IB education is one of the main reasons why I want to take this course. In today's rapidly changing world, having a broad perspective and a global mindset is essential for success. By studying the IB program, I will be exposed to a diverse range of subjects and cultures, which will broaden my worldview and prepare me to become a global citizen.

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