According to the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO), international mindedness refers to an attitude or character that evolves in an individual through the realisation of his or her relationship with other people in the world, as well as their roles within the global community. Additionally, it involves recognition and respect for cultural diversity and a willingness to learn from others’ perspectives.

International mindedness promotes working together to solve complex problems peacefully. It goes beyond passive acceptance of difference, ignites a sense of empathy, solidarity with others, and a belief in the importance of global justice.


IB International Mindedness國際情懷

其所提倡的國際情懷主要體現在其教育理念和課程結構中。IB 強調培養學生成為具有全球視野的國際公民,並將國際情懷融入學習環境。

1. 跨文化理解: IB 教育鼓勵學生尊重和理解不同文化、語言和價值觀,透過學習不同的觀點和背景,促進跨文化的尊重和合作。
2. 全球意識: 學生在 IB 課程中接觸世界各地的文學、歷史、科學等內容,有助於培養對全球議題的認識和思考,激發對國際事務的興趣。
3. 服務學習: IB 要求學生參與社區服務學習,這有助於培養學生對社會和全球挑戰的關注,激發他們成為積極的社會參與者。
4. 語言學習: IB 鼓勵學生學習多種語言,提倡語言能力的發展,以促進不同文化之間的溝通和理解。



IB International Mindedness 國際情懷於Learner Profile 之展現




IB International Mindedness全球脈絡(Global contexts)

是 IB 課程發展重要的要素之一,在 IB MYP 所涵括的全球脈絡便包含著認同與關係(identities and relationships)、個人與文化認同(personal and cultural identity)、空間與時間的定位(orientations in space and time)、科學與技術的創新(scientific and technical innovation)、公平與發展(fairness and development)、全球化與永續性(globalization and sustainability)等(IBO, 2018b),一門課程會選定一個全球脈絡進行發展,提供課程跨國討論的平臺,並協助教學於此基礎上對國際性議題的探究,釐清本土、國際與全球的關聯性。 



IB International Mindedness 參考資料

葉智雯 (Yeh, C.-W.). (2022). 國際文憑組織(IB)國際學校兒少華語教學如何在選材與教學上落實國別化與國際情懷. 華語學刊, 33, 27-39.

施仲謀 (Shih, C.-M.). (2018). 華語文與多元文化. *華文世界*, 121, 76-81.

張瓅勻(2022)。“Think globally, act locally”──臺灣師範大學IBEC CLEP學程現況與展望。華語學刊,(33),94-109。


Singh, M & Jing, Q. (2013). 21st century international mindedness: An exploratory study of its conceptualization and assessment. Cardiff: International.

Castro, P. Lundgren, U. Woodin, J. (2015). International mindedness through the looking glass: Reflections on a concept. Journal of Research in International Education, 14(3), 187-197.

Habib, Z. (2018). International mindedness and intercultural competence: Perceptions of Pakistani higher education faculty. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 5(1), 60-70.

Barratt Hacking, Elisabeth & Blackmore, Chloe & Bullock, Kate & Bunnell, Tristan & Donnelly, Michael & Martin, Susan. (2018). International Mindedness in Practice: The Evidence from International Baccalaureate Schools. Journal of Research in International Education. 17. 147524091876472. 10.1177/1475240918764722.

Savva, Maria & Stanfield, Dave. (2018). International-Mindedness: Deviations, Incongruities and Other Challenges Facing the Concept. Journal of Research in International Education. 17. 179-193. 10.1177/1475240918793954.  


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