Hi, I am Tzuchun from Taiwan. I was graduated from Taipei multiple University and my Major is English Instruction. Today I would like to talk about my Teaching Philosophy in Teaching Grammar. According to many researches, we all know that the mechanical practice or drills cannot help students to acquire the grammar effectively and efficiently, and what’s worse they might lose their interesting in learning grammar. Therefore, I state that we should design the grammar activity step by step, and use games to make the learning happened, and review it with real materials in real lives
Later, I will show a pedagogical activity of the pronunciation of inflectional morpheme for K1 students in the US. First of all, I will guide students know the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds by touching their throats to feel the vibration. Secondly, we will play reaction games to speed up the concept into their brain. Finally, each student will read a picture book out loud to see if they can pronounce all the inflectional morpheme correctly.
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2019 - 2020 is a special year for me, I got a chance which can let me to study in the US for two semester. As for the first semester, I choose compositon and American Art and for the next semester I decided to choose something I really interested in. I choose Adventure Eduacation, Linguistic and Grammar for Teachers, and Stage makeup. It is my dream to be an actress but not everyone's dream can come ture. Thus, I seized any chances that can acquire as many skills as I can.
As an audit student and "Stage makeup " is the only class that I UPLOAD all the assignments with happiness. Doing those makeup assignments help me to forget that I was struggling with other courses. I would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Sarah who encouraged me a lot and I REALLY like the ways she interacted with students. Also, I LIKE the class atmosphere that we created together.

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Coco is one of my favorite movie, for Coco I had been to Mexico for two weeks to experience different cultures during winter break.
1. white and black colour
2. two brushes
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Adventure Ed Trip – Jiaming Lake in Taiwan
Tzuchun Lin
Site Logistics
- Located on the southeastern side of the Prairie Mountain, Jialing Lake is about 3,310 meters above sea level. It is the second highest mountain lake in Taiwan after the Emerald Lake in Taiwan. Because of the oval shape of the lake, it is called "Egg Pool" Relatively sky, climbers called "Angel’s tears." Xiangyang 3,603 meters above sea level, the second highest point in Taitung County, Taiwan is also the Eurasian winter distribution of the southern base of the mountain, the top of the mountain road, you can experience the white clouds slowly approaching the ridge trail, and then submerged the shock.
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A class review for LING 3430 Linguistics and Grammar for teachers
本週是最後一週的上課週,這個學期修了四門有點硬的課程,簡單說就是 每週都要閱讀,寫作業,小考,外加期中期末考,穿插幾個assignments 等等。
星期二四 是升天日,早上11點連續三堂課上到下午三點,當然作業就是之前都要生出來。
文法課大約有四個學生,上課的壓力可想而知,每堂課都要閱讀文章,每次大約都十頁A4 ,我還活著真的太神奇了!上課就是針對文章內容討論分享等等,回家作業大約就是針對該主題做延伸,課程設計本身就是我的強項,所以上課一切都很美好,直到變成網路課程。
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As for non-realistic makeup, there are wide range of topic, such as comics, cartoon, movies, and fairy and so on. I did a Chinese Ghost Bride on Halloween last year so as for this topic I would like to challenge myself again with Chinese Ghost Bride.

1. spirit gum and its remover
2, dark blood
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Note of CH 2 - Philosophy of Adventure Programming ( Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming )
Philosophy considers the underlying principles and the ultimate real truth - vs - the ideal truth - of the human condition
Aesthetics is the study of form or artistic beauty, such as the inherent attraction of nature.
Ethics is the study of conduct or moral living
Logic is thestudy of thinking or reasoning methods, involving the metaskills of judgement, problem solving, and decision making.
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As for the period makeup, I choose one of my favorite movie "Great Gatsby" as my medel. The movie talked about 1920s American upper level life. I choose one of the character called "Jordan Baker" as my model.
Stage make up : period makeup 1920s American Woman
things you need
1. foundation color
2. shadow color
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( Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming / Simon Priest & Michale A. Gass)
ch 18 Flexible Leadership Style
Leadership styles are the ways in which you express your influence. We can categorize styles in many different ways.
Leader styles :
1. telling: when using tellinng style, you make the decision amd demand action from the group members.
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Teaching Seminar Lesson Plan
# Tzu-Chun Lin 901245399 (Knots)
Four Knots that help you in wildness
Time :
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Stage make up : ANIMAL
things you need
1. foundation color
2. shadow color
3. two brushes
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Adventure Ed Trip 1 – Suwannee River
Site Logistics
- Location: Suwannee River
- Areas between Stephen Foster Music Park and Suwannee State Park
- Managing Agencies
- Florida State Park (Stephen Foster, Woods Ferry, Suwannee State Park)
- Holton Creek
- Suwannee River Water Management District
- Florida Forest Service
- Permits/ Extra Costs:
- No Permits, but Reservations for campsites at river camps
- Parking Cost at State Parks
- $5 a day/ 2 Cars = $30 over the course of the weekend
- Proposed route of travel:
- When the group arrives Friday afternoon, we will put in at Stephen C. Foster State Park. We will then make our way 10.8 river miles down to Woods Ferry River Camp from Stephen C. Foster State Park. Woods Ferry River Camp will be our campsite for night 1. On Saturday we will make our way 18.4 river miles to our second campsite Holton’s Creek River Camp. On Sunday Morning we will make our way from Holton’s Creek River Camp to Suwannee State Park 13.2 miles where we will take out.
- Explanation of this trip:
- This is a fairly entry level river for canoeing and kayaking. With this group size we will be designated areas to camp which means that our environmental impact will be lessened.
- Leadership Teams/Times:
- Team 1: [ Friday Morning until put in]
- Team 2: [ From put in until dinner of the Friday night]
- Team 3: [Post dinner of Friday night until Midday of Saturday]
- Team 4: [From Midday of Saturday until Sunday Morning]
- Team 5: [Sunday Morning until arrival back in Statesboro]
- Seminars:
- Seminar 1: Tent seminar at first camp
- Seminar 2: Dehydration and Water Treatment seminar on 2nd day
Day 1: Stephen Foster State Park to Woods Ferry River Camp

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How to do old age make up
1. brushes
2. hightlight color and shadow color
3. foundation
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youtube reference
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In his 1957 book Interpreting Our Heritage, Freeman Tilden tried to define the craft of interpretation: “Heritage interpretation is an educational activity,” he wrote, “which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information.” To help interpreters make those meanings, he defined six principles of interpretation:
Tilden’s Six Principles
- Any interpretation that does not somehow relate what is being displayed or described to something within the personality or experience of the visitor will be sterile.
- Information, as such, is not Interpretation. Interpretation is revelation based upon information. But they are entirely different things. However all interpretation includes information.
- Interpretation is an art, which combines many arts, whether the materials presented are scientific, historical or architectural. Any art is in some degree teachable.
- The chief aim of Interpretation is not instruction, but provocation. “Interpretation should have a purpose.”
- Interpretation should aim to present a whole rather than a part, and must address itself to the whole man rather than any phase. "theme"
- Interpretation addressed to children (say up to the age of twelve) should not be a dilution of the presentation to adults, but should follow a fundamentally different approach. To be at its best it will require a separate program.
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Name of the Activity: the trans-verbs
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Putty or Laytex can help you to make a fake skin so that you can do many effect on it, like wound, zombie skin, weird nose, fairy's ear, weather burn and so on.
How to use putty makeup
1. wax
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Grammar to get things done ( p155-
What is a verb?
Verbs are action words, like shout, jump, run, and eat. They tell us what’s happening in the sentence. They also sometimes tell us about a state of being.
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Grammar can be interesting and informative at the same time. Also, Grammar can be taught in inductive way which let students to find the rules on their own. The following lesson plan is the K1 level of native speakers and the K 5-7 level for ESL students.
How to use inductive way to introduce NOUN ?
first class introduce what is Noun? the definition of Noun
warm up :
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