高年級教感恩節可以結合國際教育,開始介紹需要觀察的繪本;今天要介紹 "Thank you, world." 這本繪本。書的封面代表來自八個不同國家的小孩,然後去感謝他們共同都有的自然現象。這書的風格我非常喜歡,八個國家有固定的八格,然後就每個畫面都是八個分割畫面,老師要深入的話可以探討很多細微的東西,same same but different。小組產出是每組思考一個在學校想要感謝的人,然後寫好卡片後,讓學生在冷冷的冬天調製一杯飲品送給老師,順便複習第一單元的飲料。

有平板的班級,可以請學生拍網美照,上傳padlet ;
感恩節繪本 Thank you, world.
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1. **逾越節(#PASSOVER / PESACH)**:
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端午節為中國傳統節慶之一。如果老師在課程中,提到中國傳統節慶,第一個要提到的是: 農曆;其次可能要注意: 傳說與文化。教育部的國際教育核心素養中有提提到:
國E1 了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。
國E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。
國E3 具備表達我國本土文化特色的能力。
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上次去觀光復國小外師公開課主題是異國美食,覺得食物真的無國界,所以這次搭上母親節大餐的課程,結合康軒FOLLOW ME4下 第三單元 What do you want to eat? 做了一個星期的母親節課程。
課程 (三堂課)
第一堂課: 世界美食 - 桌遊
教學影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnNCazAenyk
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學習吧 547738

課程設計 (兩到三堂課)
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感恩節對於外國人來說是個 reunion 的大節慶之一,但是在台灣前有萬聖節後有聖誕節,所以常常被忽略。一直都想找本親民的繪本教感恩節,尋尋覓覓終於看到 MO WILLEMS 的 THE THANK YOU BOOK 。MO WILLEMS 是非常可愛的畫家,他的作品平易近人,不會有距離感,相當適合 引導學生創作。
學習吧代碼 669297
第一堂課 節慶介紹 : 感恩節
1-3 年級 : 可以利用可愛親民的繪本介紹感恩節故事。
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終於把 "義大利女巫節 La Befana" 的教案創作出來了。因為上學期節慶其實很多,從十月底的萬聖節揭開序幕,11月的感恩節,12月的聖誕節,一月的跨年新年新希望,學習就結束了,其實很難再塞一個節慶進去,但是一看到 義大利女巫節 La Befana 主題概念的時候,就見獵心喜,覺得一定要設計出相關的教案,不然對不起 La Befana。感謝
學習吧 816369
本系列課程的重心會放在國際教育 ( 尊重多元文化與國際理解 : 國E1 了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。 國E5 發展學習不同文化的意願。) ,找了 ITALY 當成代表的國家,因為天主教的大本營在義大利境內,義大利也是個相對於富有天主教色彩的國家。
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每年萬聖節各校都會設計相關的闖關活動等等,但是疫情期間,要降低人潮的流動,保持室內80人或者是每人可以保持2.25公尺的安全距離,這對大多數學校來說,要辦理大型的活動會有點困難於是今年公司結合了四年級的英語句型研發了 MAKE YOUR OWN GHOST 創意教案,透過手做研發小鬼,讓他們也可以體驗一下另類的COSPLAY
學習吧代碼 265734 https://www.learnmode.net/course/392384?passcode=265734
Students' works https://youtu.be/cQkU8Le7xKk
課程設計 (三堂課)
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節慶單字 句型
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這次去中信國小看他們如何用英語上六年級的藝文課程,其中有介紹到抽象大師 MONDRAIN 連結到 他使用 單純線條以及顏色的創作。在藝文專業上,教了三原色三次原色,以及黑白灰等色系。最後邀請學生抽取MONDRAIN 作品的概念,自行創造出一個新的模板,結合回憶,利用剪影增加故事性。
課程設計 (三堂課)
第一堂課 介紹 the dot 繪本 + 介紹抽象大師 MONDRAIN
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今年聖誕節活動因應疫情的關係,要盡量避免舉辦全年段或是全校性的大型活動,所以我們回歸班級,老師設計在班上的闖關活動,用英語課程的方式施行,活化了教學,同時也讓學生有過節慶的感覺。在課堂上闖關,老師最擔心秩序還有繁複的前置作業,我利用上課都會做的活動,以及找小幫手分工合作,配合IPAD 科技化,不再讓闖關活動讓老師分身乏術。
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National Library Week April 19 to 25
本週是國際圖書館週 , 為了感謝圖書館員的辛苦,以及推廣圖書館利用的一週。
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Every year, Three Kings' Day is celebrated on January 6th.
The tradition says that the three kings (also known as the three wise men) had a mission to go to Bethlehem. They followed a star that showed them the way to see baby Jesus, who had just been born.
1月6日 Día De Reyes
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For the coming Chinese New Year, we are going to write some lucky words in Chinese and do some paper cutting.
Most foreigners think that Chinese Writing is very difficult. As an Instructor, you may vary your activity to make Chinese Writing more fun. Today I would like to combine Chinese New Year and papper cutting together to make my class with happiness and joy.

Lesson plan
warm up:
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It's still a month for XMAS but I can't wait for it. Thus, I googled how to write a letter to Santa in the US and I am going to mail them to see whether I can get a feedback or not. Most teacher will do the "Mail to Santa Activity" in Taiwan, but only few of them would mention the hard-working elves. Today I would like to share some Santa's stories. Here we go.

Santa Claus in INDIANA
Since 1914, children have had the joy of receiving letters from Santa Claus for free, and the tradition continues today. Write a letter to Santa at the Santa Claus Museum & Village.The town of Santa Claus has been answering children's letters for over 100 years; it's a tradition that started in 1914. All letters received by December 20, 2019, will receive a reply!
Visit Santa Claus, Indiana, for the three-weekend Santa Claus Christmas Celebration, start with the first three weekends of December.
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In the US, almost every family owned an oven and a stove so they cook a lot in their daily life. For example, Americans can make something like bread, roasted chicken or turkey, stewed beef, and all kinds of pie with their families. It's their culture and also it's the way to pass the home dishes to the next generation. Due to the variety of the US, each American Famliy has their special dishes on Thanksgiving. Therefore, each family will have different Thanksgiving meals. Here we go.
(photo credit: Val)

Lesson plan ( One class)
warm up Free talk about Thanksgiing
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English class can be fun and interesting through CLIL. Now it's thanksgiving and I would like to make a cranberry muffin with my students. Here is the lesson Plan
I will use one or two lessons to introduce Thanksgiving and make students into groups to write paragraph. Then, they will have a presentation by group.
I will use another class to teach them new words and the recipe of the cranberry muffin.
I will use two non-stop lesson to make the cranberry muffin. Fast finishers had to write about how does he / she feel about the lesson. (Feedback)
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Halloween is nothing about scare, it is about fun in the US. If you are a kid, you can join different activities that held by different institutes. If you are adults, you can have fun with different activities as well. Halloween is full of joy and happiness.
In addition, the day of the death is full of memories, families get together and talk about their dearest person.
I am so lucky that I can join both activities

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If you just have one or two classes to introduce Halloween, you can teach some words of Hallween and do a simple introduction of Halloween, then do a fellow up activity.
I designed three lesson plans for different grades. Here we go.
First and second grade.
As for lower grades, we use song to catch up Halloween words. Don't forget to dacne with TPR. Halloween ABC is a nice song for them to practice letter names and some Halloween words. First grade, they have to read the letter names with the meledy. Second grade, they have to sing the whole songs with action.
Lesson Plan for first and second grade
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端午節對於學生來說是相對熟悉的節慶,所以教學的時候,我會採取top-down 教學方式。配合有趣的手作,讓他們體驗端午節魅力。
教學流程: 三堂課
youtube 影片開頭,端午節雖然是中國傳統節慶,但是外媒有做影片介紹 ,老師可以斟酌使用。我是把它放在最前面,也可以放在單字教學後。
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