感恩節對於外國人來說是個 reunion 的大節慶之一,但是在台灣前有萬聖節後有聖誕節,所以常常被忽略。一直都想找本親民的繪本教感恩節,尋尋覓覓終於看到 MO WILLEMS 的 THE THANK YOU BOOK 。MO WILLEMS 是非常可愛的畫家,他的作品平易近人,不會有距離感,相當適合 引導學生創作。
第一堂課 節慶介紹 : 感恩節
1-3 年級 : 可以利用可愛親民的繪本介紹感恩節故事。
Pete the Cat : the first thanksgiving
Starring in your school's Thanksgiving play would make even the coolest cat nervous, including Pete the Cat But the show must go on....
photo credit 博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F012984867
youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFVE7LYlhQY
知道感恩節的由來: 英國清教徒到美國與印地安人的故事
知道感恩節的日子: 11月的最後一個星期四
額外: 老師也可以介紹美國狂歡購物節 BLACK FRIDAY / CYBER MONDAY
英國人在第一個感恩節過後,為了拓展自身的版圖,開始殘忍的驅逐殺害印地安人, 十九世紀美國的聯邦軍隊的主要任務就是用來驅逐和屠殺印第安人。
參考資料 : https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/history/lzpbb2b.html
介紹MO WILLEMS繪本 THANK YOU BOOK + 動物與個性 Animal X Personality
這堂課的目的是INPUT ,希望學生能仿作繪本,連結自己的生活經驗,再製繪本。
Before reaqding
Invite students to observe the picture carefully and use questions to guide students to tell the KEYWORD.
Look at the picture and tell me, " What do you see? " "Is the elephant nice?" "How about the pig?"
這邊老師帶出,動物其實可以代表某種個性,例如: The rabbit is tender. The tiger is bad-tempered.
While reading
teacher will umderline some key sentences to make sure the stroy goes well.
Teacher may pause for a while to guide the students to think, "If you are Elephant...what wiil you say to pig?"
Listen to students and guide them to talk more about their own experience.
例如: 以下的三角形構圖,展示兩人的好交情。平等關係。
例如: 不對等的關係。畫面是有點傾斜的。
例如: 上對下的關係。可以透過姿勢去感受。
After reading
teacher poses some questions like, "Do you have the same experiences like them?"
"Tell me some stories that you felt thankful for."
The Thank You Book
Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to.
Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In The Thank You Book , Piggie wants to thank EVERYONE. But Gerald is worried Piggie will forget someone . . . someone important.
(照片來源 博客來)
第三堂課: 文本創作及發表 & 有聲書錄音
根據繪本內文的故事內容,我挑選幾個畫面給學生作創作,有四格 ( a4 ) 跟 八格 ( a3 )的版本 。如果老師時間足夠,可以使用八格,故事架構會更完整唷。
405 youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_TX7YttuZ8
409 youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftvVbBMVgEA
Mo Willems , a number one New York Times best-selling author and illustrator, has been awarded a Caldecott Honor on three occasions, for Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, and Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity. The celebrated Elephant & Piggie early-reader series has been awarded the Theodor Seuss Geisel Medal on two occasions (for There Is a Bird on Your Head! and Are You Ready to Play Outside?) as well as garnering five Geisel Honors (for We Are in a Book!, I Broke My Trunk!, Let's Go for a Drive!, A Big Guy Took My Ball! and Waiting Is Not Easy!).
Thank you, breeze, for lifting up my kite wings past treetops tall and proud.
Thank you, trees. Your branches are my playhouse. I?m climbing to the clouds!
Eight very different kids, from eight different continents, all go about their day and experience the same moments of happiness: greeting the sun in the morning, swinging on a swing, flying a kite, being tucked in by Mommy at bedtime. Uplifting and visually rich, this book reminds us that the world isn?t as large as it seems, and that life?s greatest pleasures are the simple ones.