這邊介紹Chris Drew(2023)分享我認為可以應用在英語課程中的活動,
暖身活動 WARM UP
1-Minute Check In:
用一分鐘的時間快速確認,學生是否在今天的TRACK上,例如: 如果有教室,打鐘前,請學生在走廊上排隊,打鐘後,請他們拚出一個該課生字,或是回答一個問題就可以進教室。
類似 Lunch Pass – Ask every student a question. If they can get their question right, they can go to lunch.
3 Things Check In:
進教室後,老師在黑板下寫下今天教學的主題,例如: 科目,請學生寫下三個科目的英文,也可以額外寫出他們想知道但是不會拼的科目的中文,下課前,還可以順便檢查是不是今天上課六個單字都會了。
5 W’s and H –
The 5W’s and H method gets students to write down their knowledge of what, when, where, who, why, and how to demonstrate their depth of knowledge about a topic.
國小六年級或是國高中階段的學生可以使用The 5W’s and H。基本上有點類似心智圖的概念,探究似思考的概念,你給他一個主題,然後學生分組先利用what, when, where, who, why, and how 去產生問題,然後,再給予他們平板去找答案。
可以配合Elevator Pitch – Students give a 2-minute speech about how much they know about the topic.,老師再請小組一分鐘發表他們問的問題及找到的答案。
Check for Transfer –可遷移的活動(適合高年級)
Have the students transfer the current concept from class to a new context. For example, if students are learning a math problem, check if they can apply it in a supermarket context.
Venn Diagram – Students use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast two elements of what they are learning.
Hot Seat- A student sits in a seat in front of their peers and gets rapid-fire questions from their peers to test their quick responses.
比較好切入的模式,中年級就可以使用了。這個可以練習 YES / NO QUESTION;例如: 老師請學生抽取一個單字,然後,台下的同學問問題 "Is it a book?" 台上同學直到回答"Yes, it is." 才可以下台換其他學生。
Think-Pair-Share – Students spend one minute individually writing down key points from what they learned. They then pair up with a partner and compare notes. Finally, the pair share what they learned with the class.
( 在美國學校看過,學生散散步找人的時候,會把手舉高,想跟你一組的人,就可以high five 配對。)
what do you have in your pencil box? | what do you have in your backpack? |
How many brothers or sisters do you have? | what color is your shoes? |
what's your name? | How old are you? |
Running Records
RSQC2 – RSQC2 stands for Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect, Comment.
Students start with recall which involves listing words or phrases that they recall from class. They then summarize the words by putting them all into a sentence that explains the topic. For Question, they list any questions they have that are unanswered. For connect, students write about connections between the lesson and the overall goals of the unit of work. For Comment, students provide a feedback comment to the teacher evaluating their teaching.
國小六年級或是國高中階段的學生可以使用,適用於期中或是期末考前兩個單元的複習,有點類似Doodle It (Visualization) ,例如: 六年級學生學習過去式,有教be 動詞跟普通動詞的過去式型態。
1. recall: 寫下所有他們知道的動詞 2. summarize: 加上過去時間,及過去式,寫成句子 3. Question 根據句子去問問題,例如: who is she? 可以加深句子精細程度。
4. connect 將句子與現實生活連結,變成一個短文或對話 5. comment: 學生對於這節課是否有更好玩的建議。
Corner Quiz – Place letters A, B, C, and D on four separate corners of the room.
這個活動其實大學在教爭議性的議題的時候,經常使用。四個角落STRONGLY AGREE / AGREE / DISAGREE / STRONGLY DISAGREE ,然後問一個爭議性的問題,例如: 你同意核能當成是2050年淨零排碳的過渡能源嗎? 請學生走到她認為的角落,然後,同個角落的人可以有一分鐘互相分享意見,然後派一個人出來30秒表達意見。
接著,再問一次 <你同意核能當成是2050年淨零排碳的過渡能源嗎?> 給予學生重新選擇的機會,詢問改變意願的人原因。
WRAP UP 總結活動
Write 1 if you Understand, 2 if you Don’t – This is a task for online lessons. Have students simply write a 1 or 2 in the chatbox. This can also get quiet groups to start contributing in a small no-risk step. 應用在英語課程就是,寫出今天課程的一個句子,或是拼出兩個單字,再下課。
3-2-1 Reflection (aka Exit Slip) –
Have students write down 3 big ideas from what they learned, 2 insights (reflective comments), and 1 question they still have.
KWL Chart – A KWL chart asks students to write down what they know, what they want to know, and what they learned in the lesson.
Cold Calling -you will call on one student randomly and all students by the end of class.
Fingers Up – Have students show their level of knowledge by showing a certain number of fingers. One finger means uncertainty and discomfort while five fingers means strong confidence with the content.
這個比較少看到台灣老師使用,基本上,老師通常在說明完任務後,或教完一個段落都會說 <有沒有問題?> <懂不懂? 明不明白?> ,此時,可以請學生用手指告訴老師他現在對於這個主題的了解程度。例如: 超級瞭解五根手指頭,不懂老師在做甚麼拳頭,有點了解但不懂1-2根。老師可以根據學生的手指頭,再追問。
另外一種方法也可以用Thumbs Up, Middle, Thumbs Down – Have students quickly respond with their thumbs to show levels of understanding or enthusiasm. 就是三種情況,懂- 不太懂 - 不懂;
Hand Thermometer – Students put their hand up only a distance they think they are comfortable with the knowledge. A low hand up shows mild comfort, a medium shows moderate understanding, and a stretched hand shows high confidence in the content. 這個就比較不明確,舉手的高度比較難判斷。
Traffic Lights –紅色: 不懂 / 黃色:有點懂 / 綠色: 超級懂
An extension of red/green cards, the traffic lights system also have an amber color for students who are feeling tentative about their progress. For this one, you can pair students who held up green lights with those who held up amber lights to teach each other while the teacher works with students who held up red lights. 老師講解完,請學生舉牌,在分組的時候,盡量將紅黃綠分在同組,異質性分組。如果要同質性,就是將相同顏色分成一組。
製作英文Rubrics https://rubric-maker.com/
Self-Evaluation on Marking Rubric – Provide students the criteria you will be using to grade their work (also known as a marking rubric) and get them to self-assess what grade they think they will get. 理論上國際學校,在公布一項任務或是作業時,他的評分標準就陳述的非常清楚,學生想達到怎麼樣的分數,就必須努力達標;因此,學生開始對自己的作業產生責任感。
SMART Goals Self-Evaluation
SWOT Analysis
75 Formative Assessment Examples (By Chris Drew (PhD) / August 25, 2023)