Workshop: International Minded  The international-mindedness journey: School practices for developing and assessing international-mindedness across the IB continuum

Barratt Hacking, E., Blackmore, C., Bullock, K., Bunnell, T., Donnelly, M., & Martin, S. (2017). The international-mindedness journey: School practices for developing and assessing international-mindedness across the IB continuum (Summary developed by the IB Research department). University of Bath, Department of Education.

Workshop: International Minded

Workshop: International Minded 

Workshop: International Minded


1. strategies to forster international-mindedness, helping students develop empathy and understanding diverse perspective 

Workshop: International Minded The MYP ”global contexts” were considered an important part of developing international-mindedness at the Tigris school. The school supports teachers in connecting global contexts into their lessons in the following ways.

• All MYP teachers receive a bi-weekly newsletter keeping them up-to-date with events that are going on around the world to help them make links to the global contexts within their subject area.

• Teachers also found it helpful to map the global contexts to the key concepts of their subject area to assist with planning. 



“In our geography lessons, we focused a lot on the topic of refugees around the world. We did various case studies about countries that host refugees, and I think, we learned more about the refugees in Jordan and Jordan is one of the largest refugee hosting countries in the world, currently, and I think that was important to learn” (MYP student focus group, Tigris, MYP).


Workshop: International Minded The DP "EMPATHY" 

To coincide with the commemoration of the First World War, students at Amazon shared stories of their relatives who lived through wars. This involved research and interviews with family members. Outcomes from this task were displayed in a main foyer of the school on a wall of stories and images. The wall brings together stories from all over the world, including from those who were enemies and whose children now study together at the school.

The “remembrance wall” is seen by the school as an important expression of international-mindedness. It is perceived to be an effective way of analysing and understanding plural perspectives, in this case by sharing family stories from opposite sides of a deadly conflict.

As one school leader explained: “[it is] a perfect example of just how internationally minded our school and our students are, I reckon, for remembrance, if you went into any 10 schools in the world, you’d probably have very traditional remembrance poetry, pictures, the poppies, very European, in terms of its history, and this school has got none of that. What it actually has is a wall of remembrance from every possible nationality … people in the same class, whose relatives, or distant relatives, were actually fighting on opposite sides of the war; I can’t think of a better example of international-mindedness” (Senior leader focus group, Amazon, DP).  


Workshop: International Minded CAS ( a core component of the DP ) 

This CAS project involves partnerships with the local community and, in particular, residents of the local shanty communities (Kampung).

A micro-school for local children (25 children) was set up through CAS about five years ago. It is a sustainable project now with two permanent teachers. It is located in the grounds of a multinational company about a 10 minute drive from the school. The project is managed by students from the Amazon school who assume responsibility for all aspects of the micro-school through their CAS work.

The micro-school serves the most vulnerable children from the Kampung who have spent their previous lives begging or working on the rubbish tips. The school now employs a gardener, two teachers and a cook/helper from the Kampung itself. Children who leave go on to secondary school if they can get a scholarship or by funding themselves through small businesses run within the micro-school. One of the teachers was himself a former student; he was awarded a scholarship into secondary education, continued to make excellent academic progress and is now a university night school student (accountancy), working every day as a teacher at the micro-school.


Workshop: International Minded IB LEARNER PROFILE 

Workshop: International Minded

Workshop: International Minded

Workshop: International Minded


How to understand the IB Learner  Profile 10 attrubutes and how they can be introduced into classroom enviroment 

1. **Inquirers**  
   IB learners nurture their curiosity by developing skills for inquiry and research. They actively seek knowledge and enjoy learning independently as well as collaboratively. Their love of learning is sustained throughout life.

2. **Knowledgeable**  
   IB learners develop a deep conceptual understanding by exploring knowledge across various disciplines. They engage with topics of local and global significance, enhancing their awareness of the world around them.

3. **Thinkers**  
   IB learners use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and solve complex problems. They take initiative in making reasoned and ethical decisions, considering various perspectives.

4. **Communicators**  
   IB learners express themselves confidently and creatively in multiple languages and forms of communication. They collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the ideas and perspectives of others.

5. **Principled**  
   IB learners act with integrity, fairness, and honesty. They respect the dignity and rights of all people and take responsibility for their actions and the resulting consequences.

6. **Open-minded**  
   IB learners appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. They evaluate multiple viewpoints and grow from new experiences.

7. **Caring**  
   IB learners show empathy, compassion, and respect. They are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world through service and responsible action.

8. **Balanced**  
   IB learners understand the importance of balancing intellectual, physical, and emotional well-being. They recognize their interdependence with other people and the world in which they live.

9. **Reflective**  
   IB learners thoughtfully consider the world, their own ideas, and experiences. They work to understand their strengths and weaknesses to support their learning and personal growth.

10. **Risk-takers**  
    IB learners approach uncertainty with forethought and determination. They work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas, showing resilience in the face of challenges and change


Workshop: International Minded ways to remember 

1.  Create an Acronym

I REMEMBER these 10 attribute. ReThInk 2CP BRO which means reflective thinkers inquire knowledge, caring, communicative, principled, balanced risk-takers and be open-minded


2. use pictures 


Workshop: International Minded


3. link to theory 

Bronfenbrenner's, offer a holistic approach to understanding the various dimensions of human development such as  environmental factors, personal characteristics, and contextual factors and   incorporates the dynamic interplay between biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

I THINK IB learner profiles fit Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory. From the inner part students show their THIKO which stands for be an open-minded inquiry thinker. For the second layer, 2RBK showed learning environment shaped you to become a knowledgeable, balanced, reflective risk-taker. For the third layer, 2C presented how parents play an important role to make your child become a caring communicator. All of these process made a principled person.


Workshop: International Minded

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