Community service video “TZUTZU TALK SHOW”
Good evening. Today I would like to share a quote of Tuesdays with Morrie. "So many people walk around with a meaningless life they seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you got meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives your purposes and meaning.”
Do you get involved in your community? Have you ever done the community service before? Let’s check out how a new comer of Georgia Southern University found her way to get into Statesboro. Let’s check it out.
Hi, I am tzuchun from Taiwan. I am the Chinese Teaching Assistant at Georgia Southern University. This semester, I joined different students’ activities at GSU and I was volunteering in different events. Now I can say, “y’all go eagles”
What did I do at GSU?
Conversation hour
We have various conversation hours and you can choose the language you want to learn or you can know more people who are interested in the language as well.
Students clubs
We have all kind of students' clubs, and some of the clubs are free some need a few money forextra activities or materials. We have Japanese club, Arabic Club which taught about cultures. Also, we have art clubs where you can learn how to put art into practice.
What did I do in my community?
Luckily, I was the STEM Ambassdor at GSU. I joined different STEM events and volunteered in different activities.
Volunteer service
Being a volunteer is another way to get involved in my community. We will have different festival during a year and you can keep an eye on its official website and you can get more chances.
People in the South put emphasis on politeness. They are friendly and kind. It's normal for a man to open the door for you. Don't forget to say "THANKS YOU" with a big smail as a reply.
Americans are used to give compliment on others to make people feel good meanwhile we tend to gossip in the other way.
what do you mean support? studying in the US, I felt that I got fully support in different way. Firstly, the professor is nice and friendly. He / she offered material on the teahcing system. Also, they are kind to answer questions. Besides, if you are a slow learner, there are different helping systems you can use. 1. office hour 2. teaching assistant 3. writing center.
When you go shopping the first sentence you hear is "How are you doing today?" It's just the way they say hi, or hello. You can just smile and say good.
tzutzu talk show
“y’all go eagles” “Are you chasing the right thing in your life?” “Are you giving to your community?’ If you are a new comer, the only answer to get involved in your community is taking the challenges and Asking. The first one means that participated in activities even though you were not familiar with. The second one means that if you don't know whether you were qualified or not. Do email them and ask in a polite way. American loves polite people.
Finally, we invite tzuchun to our show as usual I would like to give her some gifts. The first one is the first class flight ticket, you can choose wherever you want to visit but since you have joined conversation hour I think you have already equipment with global competence. The second one is 10 thousand dollars offer you to learn new skills but since you have joined many clubs I think you already learned many skills. The third one is the enrollment letter of STEM Master degree but since you are a stem ambassador I think you are already a stem expert. I am sure I can give you the last one is NOTHING BECAUSE YOU already acquire everything during the FLTA years.
Thanks for watching TZUTZU talk show. I will see you next time.