Dear all
we learned the places and positions in Chinese. Now we are going to combine them together. In this unit we are going to learn how to say, "Where is it?" "Where is he/she" in Chinese. Then, we will learn more about how to tell others directions.
在哪里? where is it?
youtube song
practice: moved as i said ( one class)
After teaches the sentence pattern, "...在哪里?" “ _____在___的___。" , we divide the students into three groups and take turns to do the practice.
1. invited students to sit in a circle.
2. teacher asks a question, "手机在哪里?" and invites students to make a sentence with the card.
3. students take turns to ask quesiton.
4. Students can also make up a sentence if they like to.
dream house activity: ( two classes)
Class one : design the dream house
1. divide the students into three groups (4 to 6 people in a group.)
2. give each group a poster and some stickers
3. they have to design their house on their own.
4. group talk: how many rooms do we need? How many public areas? Is there special room for pet or guest?
5. each group have 3 minutes talk with teacher and get started.
( photo from )
6. Students have to work together and draw as detail as they can.
- use green paper to create a person in detail like Name, Age, Job, Nationality
- use the green paper to create a pet if needed.
- draw floor map of your house and decorate your room in detail
- write the Chinese name of each furniture
Class two : show & tell oral activity
1. tell students what are we going to do
2. give students 10 to 15 minutes to finish the sentences
3. take turn to do show & tell oral activity
4. others ask a question
Game : Let's play hide and seek
1. give each students two cards with different color
2. invite them to write "N" , one in Chinese, the other one in pinyin
3. teacher collects pinyin cards to make a pile and put on the table
4. teacher invites students to be the ghost and others have to hide their card in the house.
5. Let's play Hide and seek
- the ghost takes one pinyin card and asks question, "...在哪里?"
- the person who hided the card have to give clues.
- once the ghost find three cards, students takes turns to be the ghost.