anticipant : host *2
Singer *2 :
( 台下需要合音: + & 美妆 “” )
Host opening -> (30-40 seconds)
Good evening everyone,
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS,Institute of International Education, Fulbright FLTA Program Team, without your effort and hard work we can’t be here to complete our dream and to make us being influential to the world. Thank you (bow)
Also, we would like to thank all the FLTAs from all over the world. Because of your hard work, we knew more stories from different aspects. “A little more knowledge, a little less conflicts.”
Thank you (bow)
We are from the island rooted in variety, nourished with tribulation and matured with diversity.
Here is our story…
Hundreds of years ago, people were suffering in Fujian because of the pirates. Thus they decided to find a new home. They took a boat went over the Taiwan strait, though many people died, they never gave up. When they arrived at the new island, they worked hard and lived hard which formed “Hakka Spirit”
Alan SOLO with guitar “客家本色” – 台下和声 (1minutes) + dancer 3
? 需要什么道具吗? 我有客家花布 + 我朋友可以把这段翻译成 手语
客家本色 詞、曲:涂敏恆
永遠永遠 (1:00)
HOST: At the same time, there were indegenous people lived in the island as well. They are Taya, Amis, Bunun, and more. (10 sec)
Kelly SOLO “Pungiy balay sinbilan ke”one minutes + dancer 3
As time goes by, they know more about each other and they had less fight and more smile.
Now, THEY united together and make them stronger.
Kelly & 小雨 lead us to do the group dance (one minute to 1.30) + dancers 6
Host ending (30 seconds)
We are from one of the pearls that spread out in Pacific ocean.
We are from Kuroshio Current who takes creatures to visit and kills a bunch of people want to offend.
We are from the mountain, the sea, the modern city and local town.
We are from indigenous, Han, Hakka that mixed together.
We are from the consciousness of oppugnant, exaggeration, and restless.
We are from love and peace, the real soul of Formorsa
No matter who you are, where you are from, you can find a home called Formorsa.