Dear all
We are going to learn many places and some common verbs in Chinese. Also we are going to learn, "Where are you going?" in Chinese.
学校 school / 图书馆 library / 火车站train station / 巴士站 bus station / 游泳池 swimming pool / 超市 supermarket / 运动中心 sport center / 教堂 church / 寺庙 temple / 剧院 theater / 市场 market / bath 澡堂 / 电影院 movie theater / 餐厅 restaurant / 健身房 fitness room / 活动中心 activity center / 体育馆 gym / 礼堂 auditorium / 办公室 office / 博物馆 museum /
有 have / 吃 eat / 笑 laugh / 走 walk / 跑 run / 喝 drink / 长 grow / 回 return / 上 up / 想 think / 试 try / 敢 dare / 说 say /
过来 come / 读书 read a book / 游泳 swim / 跳舞 dance / 工作 work / 放松 relax / 开车 drive a car / 愿意 willing to / 开始 start / 停止 stop / 担心 worry / 变化 change
1. 你去哪儿?
我去___ (place)
2. 你去哪儿?
3. 你去哪儿?
我去___ (place)_____(verb)
sentence with explain
activity: rock the beat ( 1 - 2 beats)
1. give each student a card and teach them 1-2 beats.
2. they have to ask and finish the question in the beat
3. all of students have to work together to make a perfect round
activity: answer and pat
1. one student make a sentence: 我去____. others have to pat on the correct card.
2. a+ activity: 我去___ (place)_____(verb)
activity: board game
1. 4 or 5 students in a group.
2. put the green cards covered on the table and make the purple cards a pile.
3. one student flops the purple card and try to make a sentence. "我去学校上课" and try to find the green card to pair up.
4. find a pair, student takes the purple card as a point. Failed. Leave the purple card on the table and next player can decide to flop a new card or do this one.
5. more purple cards, the winner.
翻卡牌造句 成功收下紫色牌,失敗就是把紫色放桌上,下個人可以選擇翻新牌或是答舊題