something you take it for granted which is super different in another country. This situation is what we called culture shocked. I live in Taipei, Taiwan and i move to Georgia, US for a few months. Thus, i am going to share my American culture shocked.  
1. air-con
In Taiwan, we are lack of energy so that the government asked all the official offices and department stores that the indoor temperature should be set as 26 C (78 F ) . However. while i am in the US, I found that all the indoor places have central air conditioning and the temperature set as 20 C (68 F) which makes the room like winter times. one of the reason why they set such a low temperature is the official suits. For example,  men uaually wear suits and the ladies usually wear bussiness suits. Thus, American thinks that 68F is the right indoor temperature
美國的室內空間大部分是有中央空調的,所以任何時候走進去冷氣都在,美國人喜歡室內溫度設置 攝氏20度 (華氏68度),紮實讓許多來自亞洲國家的人們不習慣呀!
To sum up, there is no need of judging, just culture different. If you were live in Taiwan, you would cherish all the energy byou had.
 American Energy power 
According to AEP,  IN 2019 the coal-fueled power plants account for approximately 47 percent of AEP's generating capacity, while natural gas represents 28 percent and nuclear 7 percent. The remaining capacity comes from wind, hydro, pumped storage and other sources (14 percent) as well as energy efficiency (4 percent).
 the portion of Energy 
coal-fueled - 47%  + natural gas - 28%  = 75% 
nuclear - 7% 
green energy like wind/ hydro 14 % 
Energy efficiency (4%) 
 Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task – that is, eliminating energywaste. Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and lowering our costs on a household and economy-wide leve
2. the way to deal with grabage 
Taiwan is an island, we have more than 70 percents land that covered with forests so that we have limited space for garbage. In Taipei, we paid for the garbage bag so that for saving money people in Taipei tried their best to do recycling to reduce their garbage. Gradually, reduce. reuse, recycle has become our habits, we used to it. for example, some Taiwanese will bring their shopping bag while they go shopping, they will use their water bottle while going work/ school. In the most restaurant, you rarely see disposable tableware there, you usually see the reuse one. Besides, we held lot of flea market, exchange market, free market for people to change their things. No persuing no trash.  However, i notice that most places in the US use disposable tableware like in the hotel or in the conferences. Moreover, there is no way to deal with leftover and it's a big issue of food waste in the US. 
how do we solve tash problems ?
3. the way to dry your clothes 
Although the weather in Taiwan is very humid, we use to  hang on our clothing in the balcony. however, in the US nobody do this and if you are hanging your clothing in the balcony, American won't be happy with that. one of the reason is privacy and American people don't want others to see their clothings so that they don't want to see yours either. another reason is that machine can help you to do anything so peol
4. How are you just like hi 
People greets with each other in campus or at least they smile. I think its a big difference compared to Taiwan. In Taiwan, we don't greets with someone we don't know.  
When you visit anywhere the first sentence you hear is how are you ? How to deal with that? DON'T SAY I AM FIND. JUST SMILE AND SAY GOOD.  And keep doing your things 
5. the concept to deal with used things / second-hand product 
In Taiwan, we don't care to use or to wer second-hand product like clothings, dolls, stationaries and so on. we help different markets that share old things, and people can get the things they want in a low price but still maintain good quality. before we throwing aways we will think twice and to search for someone might be needed for that. however, American tends to throw away old product ang just but a new one. 
Story goes on ....  
要改變一個美國人,可能很難,室內溫度本來就該如此,他們的生活習慣也大多習慣使用一次性餐具。if you were in America, never want to change Americans adapted youself into American culture 
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    Generous Beauty


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