The FLTA Mid-Year Conference
The FLTA Mid-Year Conference was sponsored by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) aims to enhance FLTA's experience in the US as a teacher, student, and a cultural ambassador by strengthening your teaching methodology and providing you with supplementary classroom techniques and professional skills for the semester ahead and upon return home.

Mid-Year Conference Objectives
1. to provide participants with a professional development opportunity in language teaching and intercultural education through workshops on innovative teaching tools, resources, and techniques.
2. To exhibit new ways in which participants can engage with their host campus, host community, and home comminuty through civic engagemnet and cultural diplomacy
3. To expand the reach pf the Fulbright Network, strengthen participants' Fulbright Identity and encourage continued involvement in the Fulbright program.
4. To draw the connection between the importance of language as a vehicle for intercultural understanding, connections, and collaboration wiht the FLTA's sense of mission and purpose as a language teacher.
What Is The Fulbright Program?
Day two 12,13, 2019
Dr. Robin C Barr : Psycholinguistics and teaching pronunciation
( Prof. Barr holds a PhD in Linguistics from Harvard with concentrations in both Indo-European and psycholinguistics. Her research on morphology involves the relationship between language learning and language change ) reference
Myths about teaching pronunciation
Native speakers -traditional way : teacher demonstrates proper pronunciation - Ss imitate - teacher points out Ss' error.
Clearly vs normal conversations - different accent
Consonant and vowels - comprehensibility depends on suprasegmental ( a lemon tree?) Stress in wrong way and somehow stress is more important than consonant and vowels
Pronunciation vs language learning tasks - it's essential to reading and writing; it's even important for grammar and vocabulary
How the brain processes language?
Broca's area- phonological syntax, suppresses innate language perception, overrides lower level processing ( motor control, auditory processing) make things simple ( filter the sounds )
- tell adults to listen harder is useless
-make the brain don't think that we are learning a language
- phonological awareness caused the change of the brain
- bypass : visual, kinesthetic, muscle memory, musical, non linguistics sound, production leads to perception
Wernicke's area -Right hemisphere (intonation and rhythms)
Voice on set time
Ph P B : pie spy buy
Baby was born with knowing how to tell the difference between sounds. ( Categorical perception)
understand how the brain cnceal linguistics information and increase your students "Accuracy"
Like vowel chart, picture, hands to feel the air, mirror, magic lollipop or hard candy,
- vowel yoga
- stress , length, and intonation( koosh ball:
- the travolta
- robber band : stress and vowel length
- kazoo game for intonation and rhythms
Community service (Film)
Joedel from Philippines : Three community service per day
Sofyan from Morocco -How to find chances - google and ask the others
Wan Ju from Taiwan - Students club / Chinese club / Environmental care services
Facilitating Effective Participation ( Anne Curzan)
If you start to have teaching anxiety, you are starting to be a good teacher.
Effective participation in class
Get Ss to talk productively is hard
Things that foster good participation
Personal experience - talk about things they knew
Good framing - ask specific questions
Have fun activities - game, role play
Break the ice - feel comfortable
Make a lesson - know what are you doing
Try a warm up free talks - review or play a song
Build a secure atmosphere - delay feedback
Promote inclusion
Show passion
Take yourself seriously- believe in what you do
Use props - red card (confusing ) green card ( understand )
Give Ss time to think
Distribute role - everyone has voice
Make the content interesting
Set a communicative outcome
Understand yhe needs of the student
Things that hinder good participation
Wrong people wrong group
Political correctness
Unclear instructions
Students are doing the bare minimum
Teaching correction on the spot
Too much content - try to keep it simple
Yes No questions don't work well
Limited vocabulary and sentence structures
Inability to improvise - do you have plan b
Poor topic choice
TTT - teacher talking time
Expect Ss to answer immediately or efficiently
Criticizing /praising the first student's response and puts pressure of the next
Ineffective classroom management
Not giving effective feedback - something after great
How to make questions Two categories of participants
1. Task based work - clear task
Be clear of what are you doing and why are you do it ?
What are you going to to after the task ?
2. Actuals and general discussion -
Excited about Ss feedback
Specific instructions
What was hard about the question
3. Strategies of whispering
Walk over naturally
Do you have some to add ?
Is there any reasons that you need your phone?
4. Conclusion
Closure : wrapping it up
Take a minute to explain what we did today?
What are we doing today?
Why are we doing this ?
What is the connection with this and that?
Keep sharing and talking with other teachers
Leveraging Game Design for classroom activities ( Jeffery Kuhn)
What kind of games did you play?
Brainstorming : content vs theme
Ten things happened in market
Theme - mechanics ( how to play the game)- verb as action- operations action - resulting action ( goal achieving )
Create the purpose of buying
Create the personality of the buyers
Culture elements
Functional language
Imperfect - players have different information
( Secret in the game )
Win? Luck vs strategies
Adult thinks that luck is terrible