The FLTA Mid-Year Conference

The FLTA Mid-Year Conference was sponsored by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)  and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) aims to enhance FLTA's experience in the US as a teacher, student, and a cultural ambassador by strengthening your teaching methodology and providing you with supplementary classroom techniques and professional skills for the semester ahead and upon return home.


 Day three 

Preparing for your return home and aspects of home country readjustment  (George Marquis ) 
Raise the awarenesses of planning the process of returning home
Awareness ofbthe challenges of re-entry and readjustment
What will you do in your home country? 
Promote Fulbright programs
Share US experience and your understanding of US culture
Keep the network
Preparing Start in early Spring
Maintain relationships with the faculty
Let employees at home know you're going to your home abd and interested in working
Unfinished business in the US 
Reverse culture shock
alumni perspectives 
Using virtual exchange for cross- culture understanding and language learning


The global empathy challenge 
Emotional empathy - feel sad
Cognitive empathy - why ( from the person perspective ) 
Behavioral empathy - do sth to support you
In-group - similarly
The intergroup empathy gap ( different means threats )
Outgroup - difference 
Recognizing similarly ( trust )
Personal stories ( connection ) 
Realized the differences between different cultures ( influence affect perspective ) 
Practice seeing others perspective 
 What did Empatico do ?  
Recognizing similarly
- Visual language 
Me too hand signals
Exchange personal stories
- be personal and be specific
Learn more about differences 
- what does it like to live in different countries
Practice seeing others perspective
 Empatico ( Build empathy )  


Introduction of key word and sentence related to the topic 
Integrated culture and language 
Create fun interactive relax environment
Provide encouragement and be patient 
Reflect as a class
Facilitating a verbal circle 
I used to think ... Now i think ...
 Simple lesson plan 
Warm up
What do you do after school ?
Do a survey 
Divide the class into groups depending on what are they interested in
Study after school
Football vs soccer 
Mind map - more vocab and sentences 
Understand what do they say
How to respond
How to introduce yourself 
How to interact or ask questions
What do you think the experience? 
Differences and similarities 
Wrap up 
Cultural Exchanges for Cross cultural understanding and language learning
Meaning is conveyed through nonverbal channels -indirect verbal mode 
Speakers say what is on the mind with restraint
- indirect hints ( non verval signal like face 
Silent makes understanding possible 
Low context communications
Meaning in conveyed through explicit verbal messages 
Speakers say what's on their mind with no restraint 
Silence viewed as empty pause
Facts that impact intercultural communication
- pure communication is impossible
- we communicate in many way 
- we see what we expected to see 
- we don't see what we are not expect to see
Prior experiences
Communication style 
Direct - what you see is what you get 
Indirect - what you get is what you manage to see 
Linear - low reliance on context 
Circular - high reliance on context
Attached - feelings / emotions / personal take 
detached - No 
Procedural - following the rules helps to prevent discrimination 
Personal - following the rules too strictly may prevent empathy 
FLTA Sharing 
Project Based learning "the talent shows" 
Definition of PBL 
How to do it in different levels 
Using Engaging activities to motivate beginners learners 



Using Digital Platforms for Language Teaching 
Assessment & Tools : padlet, canvas ,
22.33 LIVE 
Listen to three FLTA alumni from India, the Philippines, and Jordan talk in front of an audience about their experiences as foreign language teachers and cultural ambassadors in the United States
 the talent shows
2019 Indonesian FLTA at Fulbright Midyear Conference
    FLTA Mid-Year conference
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    Generous Beauty


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