It's a great honor to receive Fulbright Grant. Once a Fulbrighter, always be a Fulbrighter.

The Fulbright FLTA Program
The Fulbright FLTA Program is the US government's flagship international exchange program. Led by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in partnership with 49 binational commissions and 160 countries worldwide, Fulbright offers unique international and cultural exchange programs for passionate and accomplished students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professional og all backgrounds and all fields.
Since its creation by the US Senate in 1946, Fulbright has given more than 390000 people worldwide the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to important international concerns.
This year, there were 391 Fulbright FLTA from 54 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia, teaching 35 different languages at 178 colleges and universities in the US.
Taiwan played an important role in this program, too. This year, we had 22 FLTAs visiting US for 10 months and each of us worked hard as a teacher and a student.

The FLTA Mid-Year Conference
The FLTA Mid-Year Conference was sponsored by U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) aims to enhance FLTA's experience in the US as a teacher, student, and a cultural ambassador by strengthening your teaching methodology and providing you with supplementary classroom techniques and professional skills for the semester ahead and upon return home.

First day 1212,2019
IIE Derek Cook gave a warm welcome to all the Fulbrighter from 54 countries. He briefly introduce Fulbright program and the agenda of the following days. Then, he introduced US Fulbright Alumni and FLTA Alumni. They did their Fulbright grants in different year, and they all left the most wonderful life experiences. We played icebreaker games ( language you spoke, countries you have been live, how long you travel to DC)
Mary Kirk - Director of the office of America Exchange program, Bureau of Educational and cultural Affairs, US Department of States.
She mentioned about the goal of this program is to increase American to know more about the world and encourage them to study abroad to make influence. As for you, Fulbrighters, we are as a outstretched media to spread out our experience in the US.
Maria Royce - Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Educational and cultural Affairs, US Department of States.
She mentioned how amazing it is to have more than 400 FLTA from over 50 countries, teaching over 35 languages in 41 states (180 universities) President Trump said, we have the greatest university system in the world and we welcome people from all over the world, the door is open for every body
Dr. David Harrison, Swarthmore College
He talked about Exploring Language Diversity and mentioned about the language hotspots which means the language Diversity. He gave us some examples.
- Tuvan - nomadic knowledge
- Vanuatu - the number one language hotspot
- Mexico
- India - Koro
(Kaplaya - thanks)
In the end, a few questions:
- What good is language Diversity?
- Fighting for language justice
- How many languages are there? We don't know.
- Why language extinct?
- If you lose your culture ( language of your mother tongue), you lose your identity?
IIE - Mid-Year reflection (Ted Geary, Justin Van Ness )
Reflect FLTA experience:
Sharing time : As a teacher ( method
What steps have you taken to advance as a language teacher?
As a student (Couse work )
What courses have you taken and how they contribute to your professional development
As a citizen
How can you get involved in your community
How are you representing your home culture and region on your host campus and in your host community?
Identify opportunities to improve your experience
Speak at local schools or in the university classes
Volunteer in your local community
Keep a blog about your experience
Joined a campus or community organizations
Participate in a cultural event on campus
Set up goals for the future
Be an active participantAsk questions to generate discussion
Build your Fulbright network
Try to meet five new FLTA
Share tips and tricks