For the spring course, I took "Adeventure Education" and "Environmental Interpretation". 

 Outdoored Education: Experimental Educaiton 

 occurs primaryly in nature setting 


 four types of relationships 

 intrapersonal : something inside of your heart, self satification, both physical & psychological 

 interpersonal : communication, leadership, build trust 

 ecosystemic : leave no trash, the knowledge of the environment 

 ekistic : how nature help us in different ways 


 Adventure Education as a instructor or students

 uses human-powered outdoor pursuits to help people learn about interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships.

First to learn the professional and technical skills to operate competently and safely in these environments

Second to learn how to instruct others in these adventure activities

Third to learn how to frame these experiences so that your clients and students grow personally and professionally.


 4H   Adventure Education: 

To develop capable, caring, contributing citizens through research-based, guided adventure exploration and experiential learning models.   We accomplish our mission by building life skills using the natural environment and adventure-based activities within a full value community.

The 4-H Adventure Education Program builds the foundation that enables participant-centered life-long learning.  Through collaborative partnerships with students, schools and agencies, we build the capacity for:

  • Developing learner centered skill-building processes.
  • Creating fun, safe, stimulating and engaging activities in unique supportive environments that push growing edges through appropriate social, emotional and intellectual risks.
  • Utilizing the latest research in youth development, including: adventure-based learning, experiential education, and service-learning models.
  • Accessing tools, training, resources and educational materials.

It is our goal to provide local community members, agencies and schools with training in all aspects of the educational models we employ, empowering them to utilize and adapt these models within their own groups and organizations. Through this process we:

  • Provide training, mentoring and certification.
  • Provide direct support, consultation.
  • Provide quality programs designed to meet or exceed the highest industry standards.
  • Provide oversight and evaluation of risk management relative to program activities.

 “Every child has inside him an aching void for excitement and if we don’t fill it with something which is exciting and interesting and good for him, he will fill it with something

which is exciting and interesting and which isn’t good for him.”  — Theodore Roosevelt



 Research in Taiwan 

廖炳煌 探索教育課程目標與內容之研究 Study of Curriculum Objectives and Content in Adventure Education 

( 臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系在職進修碩士班學位論文 )

探索教育(Adventure Education, AE)活動,是一套盛行於歐、美等國的體驗教育活動。此套課程主要用來培養青少年刻苦自勵精神、促進創造力、增進人際關係與團隊信任、培養自信心與自我成長。探索教育所秉持的理念及方法,例如:以學習者為中心、培養帶著走的能力…等理念,同時又是操作性極高的一套活動方式,如果課程的操作可以從課程目標的釐清與設定開始,並且挑選適當的內容,然後著重在過程的引導及反思,最後再以評估程序做為課程效益的評價和課程修正時的依據,不只是著重在活動帶領的樂趣及評估課程反應及滿意度而已,

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    Generous Beauty


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