Through make-up, people can change their out-figures. Today we are going to practice how to use make-up to cover the eyebrow.
1. professional
photo credits
2. cheap - glue
foundation color & high light color with sponge
powder with puff
eyebrow comb
1. clean the eyebrow and make it as dry as possible
2. Brush your eyebrow straight up and try to make your eyebrow separately lean on your skin
3. Glue the eyebrow straight up on the skin
4. Keep your face still and wait for it as dry as possible
5. Puff some powder on the eyebrow
6. If you have high contrast between the color of your eyebrow and your skin color, use high light to cover the eyebrow
7. Powder on the eyebrow again (set every layer with powder)
8. use foundation color to cover your eyebrow again
my test with glue
Tempest DuJour