For the first unit we learned about name, age, nationality, Birthday and Languages ( 1. 你叫什么名字? 2. 你多大? 3. 你是哪国人? 4. 你的生日是几月几号? 5. 你会说什么语言? ) Now we are going to play a game to catch up all the sentences
Lesson plan (two to three classes)
warm up
offer students worksheet to review all the words and sentences of unit one.
Read - ask meaning - make a sentence - Q & A
presentation : Review all the words with cards.
Game 1: hit the words you hear
pass the card one by one and read it out loud
put all the cards on the table ( face up)
teacher reads a word and students have to hit the words both in Chinese pinyin and English
( Students can take turns to reas the words)
Game 2. heart attack
put all the English cards in the middle of the table and put all the Chinese Pinyin cards face up ob the table.
students take turns to flip the English card and hit the Chinese meaing
faster, keep the card.
( the game can play twice, switch English and Chinese)
Game 3 complete the fragment sentence
put all the Chinese Pinyin cards face up ob the table.
pair up and give all groups 3 minutes to think how many posibilities they can make with those fragment words
( give each pair eight blank cards for making the sentence.)
each group has two minutes to make sentence by using the cards on the table
time up
count how many sentences did each group make.
Game 4 sentence relay
start with teacher, make a sentence and take the cards away.
the other student does the same thing until all the cards were taken.
production: Board Game
( adapted from the borad game "the great turtle race" )
1. a map
2. four cups wrote 我, 你,他,她
3. a few cards with ++, --, mark.
How to play
1. four players
2. each player will get four cards below.
3. the first round card must be + cards.
4. each player take turns to show one card and move the cup
For example, if the player showed 我 ++ , the player has to move 我 cup to the second grid.
other players take turn to use the sentence patterns to ask him/her questions like 你是哪国人? / 你多大? /你叫什么名字?
Special rules ( for second round )
Practice Plural form 我们, 他们,她们, 你们
When two cups stand on the same grid, two cups can pile up and they have to change the pronoun into plural form.
At that moment, those two cups can move together by using the plural form.
For example, when one play showed 他++ and 我 & 他 stayed in the same grid. The pronoun would be 他们。
wrap up
Simple Q & A + Feedback of the game
What day/date is today? & what time is it?
今天几月几号?Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?
What date is today?
今天是2019年2月18日Jīntiān shì 2019 nián 2 yuè 18 rì.
Today is February 18th in 2019.
今天星期几?Jīntiān xīngqí jǐ?
What day is today?
今天星期一。Jīntiān xīngqíyī.
Today is Monday.
现在几点?Xiànzài jǐ diǎn?
What time is it now?
现在(是)九点十分。Xiànzài (shì) jiǔ diǎn shí fēn.
It’s nine ten.