Noun named things and naming is one of those skills we pick up at an early age
the common definition of Noun: A NOUN is a word that names a PERSON, a PLACE,or a THING. Noun can name things that we can touch, taste, see, hear, feel and smell. However, Noun also refer to concepts (freedom), states ( frustration), activities ( running), time ( tomorrow), and more.
" How do NOUN behave in actual communication? "
1. Nouns are signaled by a determiner ( a, an, the, ...
2. Nouns can be made plural and possessive
3. Nouns can be part of a noun phrase and occupy what is called the HEADWORD position.
Nouns function as subjects, objects of the preposition, direct objects, indirect objects, object complements, and subject complements.
SUBJECTS : subjects do things or take a " to be " verb in a sentence. For example. “Books are for sale."
OBJECTS OF THE PREPOSITION: we often need nouns after a preposition to situate other elements in the sentence. For example. "The goose perched on the fence."
DIRECT OBJECTS: direct objectsreceive the action of the verb. You can identify the direct object by asking WHO / WHAT of the subject or verb. For example.
Mattew saw Katie.
- who did Mattew see? Katie ( direct object)
INDIRECT OBJECTS : indirect objects has a relationship with the direct object. the indirect object can often be found between the verb and direct object. You can identify the direct object by asking the direct object to whom or for whom.
For example. I bought my dad new oven mittens.
- to whom or for whom did I buy the mittens ( my dad - indirect object)
OBJECT COMPLEMENTS : object complements typically follow direct objects, renaming ( Noun) or clarifying ( adj ) the direct object. object complements are typically seen with only certain verbs。 ( elect, make, call, name, consider, keep and so on.)
For example.
Maria calls her mother a friend
- what does she call her mother? ( a friend : object complement )
SUBJECT COMPLEMENTS :subject complements are nouns or adjectives-both "COMPLEMENT" ( meaning COMPLETE or give more information about) the subject.
subject complements follow linking verb, you can replace linking verb with an equal sign (=) and the comparison between what comes before and after the verb makes sense.
For example,
Celia is a professor
- Celia = a profrssor
- professor is a subject complements
Celia is nice
- Celia = nice
- nice is a subject complements but it is an adj
Nominalization in academic writing

teacher | woman | clown | sister |
Japan | Mountain Jade | beach | city |
house | book | watch | shoe |
happiness | beauty | anger | fear |
2. What do these pictures have in common?
things / objects
the definition of Adj: A NOUN is a word that names a PERSON, a PLACE,or a THING. Noun can name things that we can touch, taste, see, hear, feel and smell. ( these are called CONCRETE Noun)
Proper Noun vs Common Noun