最近段考即將來臨,相信很多老師都在為了英語聽力而煩惱,想起以前還要花錢買收音良好的麥克風,等到夜深人靜時才能錄音,現在有了COOL ENGLISH 的文字轉語音功能,免費只要用教育型帳號登入,按圖索驥,輕輕鬆鬆段考聽力就出來了。
以下拿康軒WONDER WORLD6 ,五年級下學期期中考聽力範圍當例子。
PART A Listening comprehension
ONE. Listen and number
ONE. Listen and number
( ) plum | ( ) clap |
( ) brave | ( ) glue |
( ) grape | ( ) price |
( ) blue | ( ) crab |
這邊可能有老師希望,單字跟單字中間希望能停個兩秒,此時,你就可以利用AI TEACHER TOOLS,他有更多功能。
影片教學 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8zV1Gj7D5M
ONE. Listen and number
number one plum plum
number two crab crab
number three glue glue
number four grape grape
number five blue blue
number six clap clap
number seven price price
number eight brave brave
TWO. Listen and Choose
AI TEACHER TOOLS 不但可以選擇男生女生,而且可以選擇每一句停頓的秒數等等。
4.第一段結束,插入NOW LISTEN AGAIN停頓五秒。
5.重複123 步驟
TWO. Listen and Choose
( ) 1. How does Andy plan to celebrate the New Year?
A. He will go to Taipei 101 to see the fireworks.
B. He will go to the supermarket to buy groceries.
C. He will stay at home and cook.
D. None of the above.
( ) 2. What does Susan plan to do at the supermarket?
A. Buy groceries
B. Eat dinner
C. Meet friends
D. Take a cooking class
( ) 3. How did Andy get to Taipei 101 last year?
A. By train
B. By taxi
C. By bus
D. By walking
( ) 4. How does Susan plan to travel to the supermarket?
A. By train
B. By car
C. By taxi
D. By bus
( ) 5. What is Andy's opinion about the fireworks at Taipei 101?
A. He didn't like them
B. He thought they were okay
C. He thought they were beautiful
D. He didn't watch them
影片教學 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ojDBDoquX0
聽力改編自 博幼英語學習網站
THREE. Listen and Check True or False
如果是一段短文,建議還是使用 TEXT TO SPEECH,比較好操作。
THREE. Listen and Check True or False
( ) 1. Mitch is playing soccer.
( ) 2. Tony plays baseball.
( ) 3. Mitch knows how to get to the park by bike.
( ) 4. Alice and Tony are going to the park.
( ) 5. Alice and Tony play soccer at the park.
Alice saw Mitch playing baseball and said he was good. Tony agreed and said he sometimes plays too. Mitch asked what they were doing, and Tony said they were going to the park on their bikes. When Mitch asked what they do at the park, Alice said they play soccer. Alice asked Mitch to come play with them, and he said yes, excited to go together.
聽力改編自 博幼英語學習網站
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