開學一個月後,老師就要開始準備出小考或是段考的聽力測驗,在酷英的教學輔助專區中,除了可以利用 Cool English 文字轉語音功能,出短文;更可以利用酷英最新的Voice studio 生成男女對話。此外,如果對於對話沒有想法,也可以參考酷英口說專區的<看動畫 說英文> ,他分門別類的主題,可以直接符應到國小或是國中課程。
影片教學參考 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r4X3lIf3nw
1. 在看動畫 說英文 ,找符合課本教材
2. 找到之後,回首頁下載題目題本
3. 複製對話到word ,整理至可以進行口說對話的內容並統整多少句
Lesson: 75 Are You Thirsty?
1 Brain, I'm thirsty! Can we go into this fast-food restaurant?
2 That's a great idea, Ana.
3 This is a nice place. Isn’t it?
4 Yes, it is. Look! There's the menu on the wall.
5 Can I help you?
6 Yes, please.
7 Can I have an orange juice?
8 Sure. Do you want any ice with that?
9 Yes, but not too much, please.
10 No problem. And how about you?
11 Tea, please.
12 Iced?
13 No, hot, please.
14 OK. Is that all?
15 Yes, thank you.
16 So that's one orange juice and one hot tea, right?
17 Right.
到voice studio,先按出對話句子數量 ,再匯出excel 檔案
開啟excel檔案,按照順序貼上word句子 再匯入 voice studio 。在voice studio 增加角色語音停頓等功能
最後,記得匯出excel 檔案,下次要做,就不用從頭開始了。