
老師在上學期開設的 "數位華語教學專題研究" 是 IB 國際教師學程必修,有開課就一定要去上。這門課程也是邀請業界不同講師,來授課。課程內容請參考下面連結




 配分 (期末成績 A+)


50% 是英語論文報告。老師會給模板,按照老師的模板報告就好。但是因為大多是量化研究,所以還是要理解一下,研究結果中的神祕數字是什麼意思,會比較好。



50% 是課程小產出。因為老師會邀請業界講師前來開工作坊,每次工作坊,除了學習技能也希望學生運用在華語教學上,因此有四次到五次的小作業,需要完成。

1. CHATGPT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0l7FKgyQ9M

2. VR & METEVERSE https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48830408

3. AI PICTURE https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48639648

4. MIDJOURNEY  https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48631296

5. CHATBOT https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48621152




Articles published in the CALL/TELL related journals,such as Language Learning & Technology, Computer Assisted LanguageLearning, ReCALL, CALICO, Modern Language Journal, System, etc



Week 1 (02/21)


Week 2 (02/28)

Peace Memorial Day (No classes)

Week 3 (03/07)

AI and Speech recognition for language learning-I

Week 4 (03/14)

AI and Speech recognition for language learning-II

Week 5 (03/21)

AI Art and language learning-I (Co-teaching with Prof. Sandy Tu)

Week 6 (03/28)

AI Art and language learning-II (Co-teaching with Prof. Sandy Tu)

Week 7 (04/04)

Children’s Day (No classes)

Week 8 (04/11)

Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: Past, present and future (Co-teaching with Prof. Dorothy Chun)

Week 9 (04/18)

Metaverse for language learning (Co-teaching with Prof. Dorothy Chun)

Week 10 (4/25)

ChatGPT and language learning and teaching

Week 11 (5/02)

CALL and Multimodalities (Co-teaching with Prof. Linda Bradley)

Week 12 (5/09)

Corpora for L2 teaching and learning

Week 13 (5/16)

L2 digital writing

Week 14 (5/23)

Computational thinking and language learning

Week 15 (5/30)

Game-based language learning

Week 16 (6/06)

Robot-assisted language learning (RALL) (Co-teaching with Prof. Nian-Shing Chen)

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    Generous Beauty


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