在編寫108課程教案的時候,因為全新的制度,所以教案就不能按圖索驥,要重新規劃,如果是單一課程的教案比較單純,就是找到核心素養,以及學習重點之後,就可以依照老師的課程規劃,做安排;然而,像是雙北地區,需要書寫跨領域或是議題融入的教案,就必須找其兩個科目的核心素養以及學習重點。 108課綱很難,但是相信我們會一起走過
性別平等教育 核心素養
性別平等教育 實質內涵
性別平等教育有九個學習主題 : 生理性別、性傾向、性別特質與性別認同多樣性的尊重 / 性別角色的突破與性別歧視的消除 / 身體自主權的尊重與維護 / 性騷擾、性侵害與性霸凌的防治 / 語言、文字與符號的性別意涵分析 / 科技、資訊與媒體的性別識讀 / 性別權益與公共參與 / 性別權力關係與互動 / 性別與多元文化
教育階段 議題/學習主題 |
議題實質內涵 | |||
國民小學 | 國民中學 | 高級中等學校 | ||
性別平等教育 |
生理性別、性傾向、性別特質與性別認同多樣性的尊重 |
性E1 |
性J1 |
性U1 |
性別角色的突破與性別歧視的消除 |
性E3 |
性J3 |
性U3 |
身體自主權的尊重與維護 |
性E4 |
性J4 |
性U4 |
性騷擾、性侵害與性霸凌的防治 |
性E5 |
性J5 |
性U5 |
語言、文字與符號的性別意涵分析 |
性E6 |
性J6 |
性U6 |
科技、資訊與媒體的性別識讀 |
性E7 |
性J7 |
性U7 |
性別權益與公共參與 |
性E8 |
性J9 |
性U9 |
性別權力關係與互動 |
性E10 |
性J11 |
性U11 |
性別與多元文化 |
性E12 |
性J13 |
性U13 |
資料來源 https://cirn.moe.edu.tw/WebContent/index.aspx?sid=11&mid=5800
生理性別、性傾向、性別特質與性別認同多樣性的尊重 /
Hair in Funny Places
Girls and boys are always curious and sometimes even alarmed by the behaviour of their bodies as they grow up. Puberty being a particularly unsettling time, Babette Cole has made this the subject of the fifth title in her bestselling series of 'family dilemmas'. Who else but Babette would have the temerity to tackle this subject in a picture book and the genius to carry it off! In "Hair in Funny Places" her artwork is without exaggeration some of the best she has ever done: it is brilliant. The text takes the form of a conversation between a small girl and her teddy bear, and is ingenious and funny. It is the behaviour of Mr and Mrs Hormone (wonderfully depicted) which is responsible for and plays havoc with the physical and emotional states of girls and boys throughout puberty. This book is bound to be controversial but Babette has never taken the conventional path and her readers love her for her outrageous approach to little mentioned topics.
photo credit AMAZON
Mummy Laid an Egg
Mum and Dad decide it’s time to tell their children the facts of life. But do they dare - and do they even really know them?
photo credit AMAZON
性別角色的突破與性別歧視的消除 /
Princess Smartypants
Princess Smartypants enjoys being an independent Ms. and has no intention of getting married. When family pressure mounts, she agrees to look for a mate but sets the candidates tasks that are impossible. But then Prince Swashbuckle shows up....
photo credit AMAZON
Prince Cinders
In this delightful retelling of the classic fairy tale, Prince Cinders sets out on an adventure, aided by his very own fairy godmother.
photo credit AMAZON
身體自主權的尊重與維護 /
性騷擾、性侵害與性霸凌的防治 /
語言、文字與符號的性別意涵分析 /
科技、資訊與媒體的性別識讀 /
性別權益與公共參與 /
性別權力關係與互動 /