這門課是IB 國際教育組必修,所以老師無論好壞你都要硬著頭皮修下去。先感謝我的同組夥伴互相扶持,如果沒有他們我可能期中就直接退選了,上這門課遇見志同道合的伙伴真的超級重要。先說,這門是EMI 課程,主要講述concept based curriculum design , backwards design, TOK 等等。老師三不五時會發佈課堂完後的作業。然後,剩下 70% 都是小組作業。

備註:因為老師本人非常忙碌,在MOODLE 留言或是EMAIL 給他不一定會回應。因此,如果真的是有事情建議在課堂中詢問,如果有牽扯到分數的作業,建議自己要先上MOODLE 確認是否有相關資料,或是上傳作業區。


IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬) 葉怡芬副教授

  • 國立臺灣師範大學/師資培育學院/國際師培推動組長
  • 國立臺灣師範大學/師資培育學院/國際文憑教育教師證照(IBEC)課程協調員
  • E-mail:yyf521@ntnu.edu.tw


IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬)  課程作業 20% (有時是要上傳小組討論的結果,有時候要上傳個人的心得等等。)



IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬) 第一週作業 看影片寫3IDEAS 2 QUESTION 1 METAPHOR 

What is Competency-Based Education? 

3 idea: competency-based education refers to student-centered, interdisciplinary design, and individual learning pace.

2 questions: how subject teachers work together to design a interdisciplinary course? How do teacher take care of those students who need more time to explore meanwhile to keep pace with the course schedule?

1 metaphor:  as for me, competency-based education is just like mirage which is pretty idealistic and hard to explore and manipulate.


How can we ensure Authentic Assessment be successfully implemented by teachers and students (50-150 words)?
Authentic assessment means to set up questions in the real life and invite students to do it via what they have learned in class. If the students can finish the task successfully then which means they have achieved the goal that the teacher set up. Take Chinese class for an example, after we taught asking directions and we design a orienteering activity. Students have to finish the task by asking direction without their phone.


IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬) 第2週作業

想一個INQUIRY MODEL 並配合實際教學

McNeill 和 Krajcik(2012)提出對於主張-證據-推理(CER)架構各要素的定義,「主張」是針對問題或結論所提出的陳述,學生在解決問題的過程中,藉由提出結論或答案以呈現主張;「證據」是支持該主張的科學數據,學生藉由觀察與測量所得到數據資料,並將數據作為證據,用以支持原先針對問題所提出的主張;「推理」是使用科學原理將證據與主張聯繫起來的理由,學生藉由推理解釋證據支持主張的原因,進而加深對於科學文本的理解。(李松濤,2022)


Project: Find one plant that is suitable for our campus 
Inquiry Model:
A-  observation 


B- Claim: “    ” will grow better in this campus 
C- Experiment: count the numbers 
D-Evidence: good 
E- Reasoning: find the reason why it is good for that plant 
F- Rebuttal: put the plant into other environment  


1. 李松濤(2022),主張-證據-推理(Claim-Evidence-Reasoning, CER) 鷹架教學對於國小學童科學閱讀理解影響之研究,國立臺中教育大學科學教育與應用學系暑期在職進修專班碩士論文,台中市。

2. 仁愛國小植物檢索表,https://web.jaes.ntpc.edu.tw/html/p95/list0_test.html,查閱日期2023年9月14日。


IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬) 第3週作業 + 第4週作業: UbD 



IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬) 第5週作業 CBCI reflection 

1. Please describe how a CBCI unit/lesson runs (what does teacher do?)
CBCI lessons typically require more time for the development of transferable generalizations, and they possess three distinct characteristics: student-centered, task-based, and concept-based.
When you step into a CBCI-based language class, you'll notice that students work in groups, engaging in discussions related to the tasks assigned by the teacher. The teacher moves around the classroom to observe the students' reactions and intervenes only when necessary, such as when students veer off-topic or lose track of the instructions. Language itself becomes a dynamic process, allowing students to explore various usages and forms of language, such as creating recipes, engaging in ordering conversations, and expressing their food preferences.
Teachers invest a significant amount of time in designing these lessons, starting with structuring the lesson process, outlining key concepts to form a generalization, and devising questions and tasks that encourage students to think critically, inquire, and produce meaningful outcomes.
2. How do you find CBCI different to traditional learning or teaching? (e.g., pros and cons, easiness or difficulties) 
CBCI instruction differs significantly from traditional teaching in three key dimensions: inductive instruction, abstract concepts, and higher-order thinking.
Firstly, CBCI instruction encourages students to independently discover generalizations. They are presented with various facts and examples, and through discussions, they collaboratively arrive at a transferable idea.
Secondly, CBCI instruction does not require students to memorize specific events; instead, it employs diverse examples to illustrate abstract concepts, allowing students to generate additional facts on their own.
Finally, CBCI instruction doesn't rely on simple yes-or-no questions or provide predetermined correct answers. It compels students to engage in critical thinking, discussion, analysis, and self-driven conclusions. In essence, students are challenged to express their opinions from different perspectives
3. What are you finding challenging, puzzling or difficult to understand?
It can be challenging to create a CBCI lesson independently due to limitations in one's background, a narrow perspective, and exposure to a single culture.
Consider language instruction as an example. Language teachers are adept at designing various drills to help students become fluent in the target language. However, they may have limited knowledge of cultural diversity, making it challenging to provide a comprehensive viewpoint to students. Additionally, teachers may be influenced by a single narrative, leading to biases against other cultures. Consequently, designing a CBCI lesson on one's own can prove to be a daunting task.
Moreover, the concept itself is an abstract and common attribute, making it difficult to formulate, execute, explain, and incorporate into lessons.
4. What is something you found interesting?
The activities are engaging enough to motivate students to participate actively. Asian students often carry the stereotype of being reserved, hesitant to ask questions or express themselves. Nevertheless, in the CBCI lessons, we observed a willingness among everyone to engage in discussions, share their perspectives, actively listen to others, and provide valuable feedback. This demonstrates that we are not inherently shy or quiet; instead, we require effective instruction that encourages critical thinking, communication, and self-expression.
5. Please give me a generalization that you made (pointing out the concepts). 
“The local food that people ate can reflect their tradition and culture.” 
★Concept: local food, tradition, culture 
IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬) 第13週作業 ToK Assignment

1. how to distinguish knowledge, belief and opinion?  
If we want to distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion, we have to clarify the definition and offer a specific example to support it. 
Firstly, according to Merriam-Webster, “knowledge is the circumstance or condition of apprehending truth or fact through reasoning.” For example, the Earth revolves around the Sun is knowledge due to Newton's laws of motion and Kepler's laws. Isaac Newton's laws of motion and law of universal gravitation played a significant role in providing theoretical support for the Earth revolves around the Sun. Besides, Kepler's laws contributed to the heliocentric model, which supports the idea that Earth revolves around the Sun. Therefore, we could indicate that knowledge is a fact that based on universally accepted and objectively verifiable facts. 

Secondly, according to Merriam-Webster, “belief is the conviction of the relative truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence.” For example, practicing mindfulness meditation improves mental well-being is a belief. This belief may be supported by scientific studies but its not universal. Thus, a belief is subjective and may be influenced by personal experiences, anecdotal evidence, or philosophical views.

Thirdly, according to Merriam-Webster, “opinion is a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.” For example, the movie was not as entertaining as the critics claimed is an opinion. the speaker is expressing a personal appraisal of the movie's entertainment level, and this judgment may not be universally shared, not supported by evidence. Opinion is based on personal taste, preferences, and individual experiences.  

In conclusion, the distinctions among knowledge, belief, and opinion are crucial for understanding the nature of information and perspectives. Knowledge is rooted in universally accepted and objectively verifiable facts. Belief, on the other hand, involves conviction in the relative truth of a statement, often influenced by personal experiences and examination of evidence. Lastly, opinion, as a view or judgment formed in the mind, is inherently subjective and not necessarily supported by evidence. 


2.   Create a Knowledge Claim, find a picture, and offer a justification indicating what knowledge issue it may be and rationalize your ideas. 
☆    Claim: Under the imperialization policy, the Japanese government believed that the Aboriginal (Atyal) gene had been diluted or diminished through the influence of the Japanese educational system.

☆    Knowledge issue: 
the potential problem are hierarchy and personal biases. 
Firstly, the phrase "imperialization policy" suggests a hierarchical relationship, indicating the influence or dominance of one group over another. Besides, educational system as a tool of influence reflecting a hierarchical power dynamic where the educational system is employed for specific purposes.
Secondly, the sentence “the Aboriginal (Atyal) gene had been diluted or diminished.” suggests a belief by the Japanese government without any scientific evidence could support their policy. Besides, it implies a hierarchy of genetic traits, with a potential bias toward the belief that the Japanese genetic makeup is superior or more desirable than that of the Aboriginal population. 
In conclusion, examining historical issues requires a multifaceted approach. Analyzing each event from diverse perspectives allows for a comprehensive understanding of the entire historical context. This approach enables a more nuanced and complete interpretation, contributing to a richer and more accurate portrayal of historical events and their complexities.


IB課程發展與設計(葉怡芬)  小組作業 











這個作業老師只有給rubrics 其他就是看緣分;我們一開始討論三個小時,覺得卡關求助其他組同學共同討論後,有了基本想法,又討論了三個小時;


其實東西不難,就是15分鐘的demo 只要做ppt 就好,但是因為不太清楚老師到底要什麼,所以卡關了。 






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