The Hurricane season is from June to November in the southeast of American. People who are living in the coast of southeast must facing lots of inconveniences during the Hurricane season. I visited in US in 2019 and met the monster Hurricane Dorian which caused a great damage of BAHAMA though the main land of US is okay but we still have three to four days off due to the curricane. 



  where can i follow the hurricane? 

You can go to the National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center. You can see many datas in detail.

OR You can just type in CNN STROM TRACKER, and the website will show you everything in detail, including the possible path in a few days , how strong it is, and so on. 



How can i know the Goverment's policy toward the Hurricane? 

Due to America is really a huge country and each states has different cities and countries so you have to follow the local offical safty.

Take Georgia State for an example. I followed a fb page called Bulloch County Public Safety/EMA where will launch whether we are going to class or work or whether we can drive car on the road or not.

Bulloch County Public Safety/EMA


( photo is from Bulloch County Public Safety/EMA

Besides, if you are a studnet, you have to follow your university's website and FB page where would tell you some useful information.



though campus off for the hurricane, learning will never stop. 

Students should monitor their online Folio accounts to remain up-to-date on their classes.

In other words, professors will issue assignments or homework for Students to read, to think, to write, to deal with so that even though they are not in the classroom they are still keep learning. 


  What might be happened DURING OR AFTER the hurricane? 

Hurricane hazards come in many forms, including storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding. It is important for you to have a plan that includes all of these hazards. Please look carefully at the safety actions associated with each type of hurricane hazard and prepare your disaster plan accordingly.

No power and water: Power and plumbing may be down during and after the hurricane without resolution for several days.

  What can we do for preperations? 


Please plan to fill your gas tanks and purchase water ahead of time before the area begins to prepare and runs out of those items. I would also purchase emergency items such as flashlights, nonperishable food items, cell phone power banks, and batteries in case of a power outage.
It is very important to remove  furniture and ALL items off your back patio. As a precautionary measure it is recommended to close your window shades and move items away from windows. 

What can I do during the Hurricane? 


Most of stores are closed and some road are blocked out so you have no where to go. The best policy is stay calm and never go out. 

Do the homework 

Assignment: It should be four lines long. Line 1 should start: I'd rather .... and line 3 should start: than... .  You get to fill in the rest. None of these lines need to rhyme, and you can relate it anyway you choose to the hurricane.



Reflection on Hurricane


I’d rather feel sympathy for people in the Bahamas

who are frightened and  suffering from the hurricane

than follow CNN news about Dorian and paying

attention to GSU's latest news.


I’d rather go to Walmart for food and water

to prepare and store in the right place  

than hide in my little space like mud and

watch meaningless Taiwanese clips.


I’d rather search for more information

about my next trip and staying positive

than express regret for hesitating to

book a ticket to Taxes and enjoy my holiday.


I’d rather share the ways that US Government

deals with the hurricane and the feelings of American

than complain about the inconvenience of curfews

and the library closing early.  


I’d rather watch 24 hours of live news in Taiwan

and talk with my family and chat with friends

than wasting, waiting and wondering

but that’s the reality and I am stronger.  

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    Generous Beauty


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