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第一語言是如何習得的呢? 這方面有許多說法

行為主義 behaviorism 1940 @ usa

行為主義學家認為: 語言的習得是透過模仿,練習,成功的回饋以及習慣的養成,當然孩子的模仿也不盡然照單全收,他是有選擇性的,孩子只會模仿當新的語句。然而模仿不能解釋為什麼孩子能創造新的用法或是字詞。

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Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT), also known as task-based instruction (TBI), focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language.

Types of task

According to N. S. Prabhu, there are three main categories of task; information-gap, reasoning-gap, and opinion-gap.[6]

Information-gap activity, which involves a transfer of given information from one person to another – or from one form to another, or from one place to another – generally calling for the decoding or encoding of information from or into language. One example is pair work in which each member of the pair has a part of the total information (for example an incomplete picture) and attempts to convey it verbally to the other. Another example is completing a tabular representation with information available in a given piece of text. The activity often involves selection of relevant information as well, and learners may have to meet criteria of completeness and correctness in making the transfer.

Reasoning gap Reasoning-gap activity, which involves deriving some new information from given information through processes of inference, deduction, practical reasoning, or a perception of relationships or patterns. One example is working out a teacher’s timetable on the basis of given class timetables. Another is deciding what course of action is best (for example cheapest or quickest) for a given purpose and within given constraints. The activity necessarily involves comprehending and conveying information, as in information-gap activity, but the information to be conveyed is not identical with that initially comprehended. There is a piece of reasoning which connects the two.

Opinion gap Opinion-gap activity, which involves identifying and articulating a personal preference, feeling, or attitude in response to a given situation. One example is story completion; another is taking part in the discussion of a social issue. The activity may involve using factual information and formulating arguments to justify one’s opinion, but there is no objective procedure for demonstrating outcomes as right or wrong, and no reason to expect the same outcome from different individuals or on different occasions.

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自從國小開始尊崇自然發音法phonics,kk音標幾乎消失在國小校園,如果還在使用kk音標教學的老師,往往會被冠上不知變通,跟不上時代的罵名。但老實說英語學習學到一個階段,是滿需要KK音標幫助確認你的發音,自然發音法可以幫助子音的正確性,但是對於詭譎多變的母音來說,就有點麻煩了,所以英文有些長單字,不能使用PHONICS 自然發音法來發音,遇到這些單字的時候,學生自己也會運用一些符號來記憶單字,與其讓他們用錯誤的標音,不如教他們正確的標音符號。所以應該這麼說: kk音標是給高階段的學生使用的,幫助他運用音標去確認發音並且辨別母音的不同。



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