之前上華語系蔡教授的課程她推薦我們看<提問與討論的教育奇蹟 - 猶太教育法> 之後,有簡略提到 question tree 跟quality talk,匆匆一瞥也沒有提及專書 。今天來參加國立臺灣師範大學教學發展中心辦理 EMI TA 培訓工作坊,剛好主題就是 How to Lead a Quality Talk 剛好補足研究所課程沒學習到的部分。
美國The Pennsylvania State University, college of Education 架設一個關於 Quality Talk 的介紹以及相關在語言及科學上的應用。資料豐富,可以給老師們參考。
Penn State https://www.qualitytalk.psu.edu/
what is QT?
Quality Talk is a small-group discussion approach that encourages learners to use talk as a tool for thinking and interthinking.
QT is an approach to conducting discussions that promotes students’ high-level comprehension of text, where high-level comprehension refers to critical-reflective thinking and epistemic cognition about and around text. The approach is premised on the belief that talk is a tool for thinking, and that certain kinds of talk can contribute to high-level comprehension.
( Epistemic cognition is the study of thinking about knowledge and knowing, specifically. What do people think knowledge is? How is knowledge produced? How do decide that we or someone else knows something? )
提問可以分成很多種類,可以先參考<提問與討論的教育奇蹟 - 猶太教育法>這本書後再來看看 Karen Murphy 的看法
老師看到一個文本的時候,通常會針對文本內容作提問,這樣的提問叫做 test question ,答案通常可以直接在文本找到,通常答案只有一個,這種問題,無法提升學生的思考層次。
因此,我們可以朝 真實語料問題發問,多利用why... , what if ..., if you were ...., 透過這樣的提問,可以有效提升問題層次,進而激勵學生思考。
如果老師想讓學生開始<問好的問題,問思考層次高的問題>,老師在第一堂課可以設計一個活動,發下學生有興趣的文本,可能是一段故事,也可能是一個真實新聞,請學生根據文本去擬定出10-15個問題,然後再請學生根據問題答案去分成 test & authentic 。透過真實體驗,問題的高下層次就顯而易見了。
question tree
test question:
answers can be found in the text, and maybe just one correct answer, can be answered in a few words
A test question is a specific type of question that is used to evaluate a student's understanding or knowledge of a particular subject or topic. Test questions are typically used in formal assessments, such as exams or quizzes, and are designed to measure the extent to which a student has mastered a specific learning objective or set of learning objectives.
authentic quesitons
answers come from thinking about what we have read, not directly from the text. answers are supported by reasons
An authentic question is a question that is relevant, meaningful, and engaging to learners because it connects to their experiences, interests, and values. Authentic questions are designed to spark curiosity and inquiry, and to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
1. uptake quesitonis when sb asks a question for checking the real meaning.
Uptake questions are often used in conversation or communication to ensure that both the speaker and the listener are on the same page and that there is a shared understanding of the message being conveyed.
2. speculation quesiton: alternative possibilities
what if..., what might happened if ...
what if Ryan's mom scolded him immediately after he told the truth?
3. generalization question: find big idea
what do you think of what happened?
main idea
4. analysis question
break down ideas by looking different text
why did Ryan lie to her mother in the very begining?
why Jonah want to leave the house?
why the movie is not that attractive to Jonah?
Why Ryan has to sort the baseball cards?
why Ryan choose to tell the truth in the end?
5. Affective quesitons (emotions and feelings
supported by reasons and evidence form your personal feelings or experiences
if you were Ryan, how would you have felt when Jonah fell into the pool?
Have you ever experienced anything kike Ryan and Jobah?
6. connection question
help learners connect new information or concepts to their prior knowledge or experiences.
connect to another events
How does this new information relate to what you already know about the topic? Can you identify any similarities or differences between the two?
Can you think of a personal experience or example that illustrates the concept we're discussing? How does this connection help you to better understand the topic?
提問是個藝術,回答更是門學問。台灣學生常常回答的不夠深入,引此老師可以提供架構,設定好至少要表達三句,第一句你的觀點/回應。第二句原因。第三句有沒有什麼相關的證據/論點可以支持你的答案。第三的部分就是學生要去做research 的地方,可以是自己本身的經歷,也可以是報章雜誌專家說過的話,或是自己的反思等等。
for groups to explore different ways of
1. experience
2. experts
3. thinking
it's okay to re-gift a present because ...
利用 think pair and share 倆倆一組討論
rebuttal 反駁
A rebuttal is a response to an argument or claim that seeks to challenge or disprove it. Rebuttals are often used in debates or discussions where different viewpoints are being presented, and they are a crucial part of critical thinking and effective communication.To construct a successful rebuttal, one must carefully consider the argument being presented and identify any weaknesses or flaws in the logic or evidence.
examined understanding
學生如果真的要達到 examined understanding 的境界,他要會分析,評鑑,還要有想法調理的應用所學
Examined understanding refers to a level of comprehension and mastery of a subject or topic that goes beyond simple recall of information. Examined understanding involves the ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply knowledge in a thoughtful and critical manner.
To demonstrate examined understanding, learners must be able to take what they have learned and apply it to new situations, to make connections between different ideas and concepts, and to evaluate the validity and relevance of different sources of information. This requires not only a deep understanding of the material but also the ability to think critically and creatively about it.
how to use QT in to shool
通常在進行深度討論時,學生會人人都是長,都有一個小工作,有點類似進行world cafe。
errand monitor
time keeper
summarizer and reporter
Murphy, P. K., Greene, J. A., Firetto, C. M., Hendrick, B., Li, M., Montalbano, C., & Wei, L. (2018). Quality Talk: Developing students’ discourse to promote high-level comprehension. American Educational Research Journal, 55, 1113–1160. doi: 10.3102/0002831218771303
Wei, L., Murphy, P. K., & Firetto, C. M. (2018). How can teachers facilitate productive small-group talk?: An integrated taxonomy of teacher discourse moves. The Elementary School Journal, 118, 578–609. doi:10.1086/697531
(Ed psyinsight ) classroom discussion in education
Classroom discussion is a concept familiar across the field of education and is often employed to support students’ comprehension of text. Edited by a leading expert on classroom discussion, this book situates the topic within the broader context of educational psychology research and theory and brings it to a wider audience. Five chapters describe in detail the different approaches to discussion and provide recommendations for best practices and curricular materials for student success. This concise volume is designed for anyeducation course that includes discussion in the curriculum and is indispensible for student researchers and both pre- and in-service teachers alike.
The Theory and Practice of Group Discussion with Quality Talk (Learning Sciences for Higher Education)
This book explores the application of a significant discussion approach, Quality Talk, to English learning in Taiwanese college classrooms. Quality Talk has been found to successfully enhance students' reading comprehension and higher-level thinking in American contexts. It offers an introduction to Quality Talk and demonstrates how it can be implemented in college level English classes. It addresses students’ three levels of English proficiency: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The respective chapters discuss a range of aspects: students' language proficiency levels, students' own viewpoints on the discussion approach, students' academic backgrounds, teaching materials, and culture-based learning. Readers will gain valuable insights into the Quality Talk approach and how it can be implemented in the classroom.
photo credit AMAZON