Isaac and His Amazing Asperger Superpowers!
"A valuable first step in celebrating the Asperger's child."--Massachusetts General Hospital's Aspire Program
Isaac may look like everyone else, but he actually has superpowers that make him different from his brother and his classmates. Some kids don't understand that and call him names. But Isaac's superhero brain remembers loads of things, he has energy enough to bounce on his trampoline for hours, and his ears are so sharp he can even hear the buzzing some lights make in school (ouch ). He tends to say whatever comes into his head and doesn't realize that he might hurt someone's feelings -- by telling them they have big teeth, for example Even though he's not really a superhero -- he has Asperger syndrome, which means his brain works a little differently -- he does love to play superheroes with his brother, who understands him. Straightforward and engaging, Isaac's first-person narrative will help kids see the world through the eyes of a child with the high-cognitive type of autism spectrum disorder commonly known as Asperger syndrome.
圖片資料 來自 博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F013609679
本人覺得作者的書名取得不錯 ISAAC 剛好與著名的科學家 牛頓 同名,而牛頓也正被懷疑有亞斯伯格症狀。
It has been speculated that Isaac Newton had what is now considered Asperger syndrome. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton may have had Asperger syndrome, but a definitive diagnosis is impossible as both scientists died before this condition came to be known.
作者 Melanie Walsh
Melanie Walsh is the author-illustrator of Living with Mom and Living with Dad, 10 Things I Can Do to Help My World, and many other books for children. She lives in England.
課程設計 ( 兩堂課 )
使用時機 : 如果學校開學有特教週宣導,可以配合學校聯絡教學,但是如果沒有的話,老師也可以利用開學前三週,把上課規矩教好之後,再來上繪本補充。
教學目標: 希望透過繪本學習
兩堂課 ( 三年級上學期
warm up
Teacher poses question, " What is superpower? " "What kind of superpower does spiderman have? "
Look at the book cover and invite students to guess what is ASPERGER SUPERPOWERS
presentation :
Before reaqding
invite students to observe the picture carefully and use questions to guide students to tell the story
While reading
teacher will umderline some key sentences to make sure the stroy goes well.
After reading
teacher poses some questions like "" "What kind of superpower does Asperger have?" " Do you have the superpower that Asperger had?"
practice : find your strength and weakness
Disscuss with students and make a chart of Issac's strength and weakness.
there is no good or bad of your superpowers but you have to learn to control them pretty well.
這邊我想跟學生表達或是希望他們思考的部分是: 世界上沒有絕對好與壞的優點或缺點,但是要看你如何使用他們。
production :find your superpower
In this activity, each students will think 3 strengths of themselves, and think of the weakness at the same time.
teacher will help them if they need any helps like vocabularies.
When they finished, encourage students to talk about their strength and weakness and how will they use their superpowers.
photo credit https://splashthat.com/blog/leveraging-your-event-superpower-and-objective
中年級,我是拿一張b4 的紙摺一半,上面請他們畫 一比一的大頭自畫像 ( 老師也可以請他們準備鏡子) ,然後在旁邊畫上他們認為的超能力。
wrap up
invite all students to sit back and share how do they feel about the class?
After the class, "What's your superpower? " "How will you use them in a right way?"
read aloud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1UlNDA_VY0
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(以下資料來自 王心理師 臉書)