愈簡單的英語句型愈難教。老師必須思考一個符合城裡的情境來配合那個句型,為了媒合新北的 英閱繪 主題,每個單元我都會找一本繪本來當補充延伸教材。這次教到三年級上學期 WHAT'S THIS? 句型的時候,立刻想到 LANE SMITH 的 IT'S A BOOK 這本書,這本書使用幽默詼諧的語氣,去提醒現代人,雖然3 C 當道,但是 真實的書籍文本閱讀,還是非常重要的。
It's a book
( 圖片來源 博客來書店
What’s the cure for digital fatigue? It’s a Book.

使用時機: 三年級上學期再教 "'what's this?" 句型時,的繪本延伸補充教材。
課程目標: 希望透過繪本學習
科技為現有產品帶來的巨大改變 - 產品的消逝與新生

warm up
today we are going to tell a stroy. ( if your classroom have bigger space, you may invite your students to sit in front of you.)
invite students to see the book cover and guess what is the story talk about?
Invite students to notice the brown sticker on the top of the book, and discuss what's this?
( explain what is "Kate Greenway Medal" )
Guide Students how to find books with rewards.
presentation :
Before reaqding
invite students to observe the picture carefully and use questions to guide students to tell the story.
Look at the picture and tell me, " What's the characteristic of these three person?" "How do you know?"
Teacher may give some hints to help Ss to connect the story.
While reading
teacher will umderline some key sentences to make sure the stroy goes well.
Teacher may pause for a while to guide the students to think, "What does Jackass view the book as a ..... " "Why?"
Listen to students and guide them to talk more about their own experience.
After reading
teacher poses some questions like, "Will the book disappear because of the technology?" "What's the next product to be disappear or being replaced?"
It's a humorous book and it can trigger people to think how technology influence the way we live .
practice :
Use the handy stuff like usb or TV to talk about THEIR history.
Invite students to think about for the next decard, "What kind of products will disappear?" "What kind of new products will release?"
production :
Invite Students to watch the youtube below and invite them to copy the keyword they may need for the next activity.
Youtube https://youtu.be/AS5nhKzaOqo
( watch the video twice and learn more verbs. "It can_________"
Invite students to work in pairs and they have to choose one of the words they learned to make it a new product for the next gerneration.
wrap up
Invite students to share their ideas