很幸運能在2019-2020 擔任Fulbright FLTA 前往美國一年,除了擔任華語老師,同時也是一名大學生可以了解美國大學生上課的文化,以及課後社團等等。在美國一年,覺得美國的教育系統很 SUPPORTIVE 他支持學生的行為,關心學生的情緒問題,以及提供強而有力的後盾。身為一個Fulbrighter 我們擁有分享的使命,在美國觀察到,美國教育從小開始,非常注重閱讀,閱讀繪本中很多主題都跟情緒以及領導能力相關,於是今天想介紹Diane Alber 就社會情緒學習SEL 領域相關的繪本。
What is SEL?
Social Emotional Learning ( SEL)
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. People with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. From effective problem-solving to self-discipline, from impulse control to emotion management and more, SEL provides a foundation for positive, long-term effects on kids, adults, and communities. Children thrive. Schools win. Workplaces benefit. Society strengthens. All due to social-emotional learning.
data credit https://www.cfchildren.org/
Author : Diane Alber
Diane Alber 是兩個小孩的媽媽,受到小孩的啟發常常有不同的想法,他也很有才華的將這些想法變化成為一本本的繪本。她每本繪本會介紹一個概念,然後用學生可以理解的形式呈現出來,藝術體系畢業的她,常常會幫繪本想延伸活動,並且放在她的網站上,當成繪本的輔助教材,在美國疫情的期間,她也利用自己的臉書平台閱讀自己的故事,鼓勵孩子多閱讀。
Diane Alber has had a passion for art since she held her first crayon at age two, which inspired her to subsequently earn a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from Arizona State University. She is a wife and a mother of two young energetic children who love books. She became inspired to start writing and illustrating books because she saw a need for a book that inspired art and creativity in children. She also hopes that this book encourages parents to be proud of their children's art work no matter what it looks like!
FB https://www.facebook.com/imnotjustascribble/
Website https://dianealber.com/
Youtubes https://www.youtube.com/user/Dianeart1/videos
a resource that could link what books are good for SEL curriculum
Diane Alber 很關心現場的教育,也常常有美國老師利用她的繪本在班級上教情緒,現在她把繪本跟SEL 做連結了唷~。老師可以看你想教導學生什麼樣的主題,再去挑選適合的繪本
photo credit AMAZON
photo credit AMAZON
Join these adorable safety spots as they show children how to be safe both inside and outside of school. This includes bus safety, car safety, playground safety, germs, drills and much more.