Dear all
Chinese New Year is based on the Lunar Calendar and we have special ways to present each year. In the following class you will know
1. How Chinese people use Heavenly stems abd Earthly Branches to create their special calendar
2. Know the Chinese Zodiac that presented with 12 animals
3. Learn some Chinese Idiom that related to animals
class three - Chinese New Year
warm up
show the real Chinese Calendar and link it with the lunar calendar.
2020 is the year of mouse, show them the youtube clip " the great race"
explain 天干 & 地支,the ways that Chinese people use for over a thousand years.
watch another youtube "ted talk - Chinese Zodiac"
teaching the sentence pattern, "你属什么? 我属————。”
Pactice :
Chinese hand-writing of 12 animals
introduce more Chinese four words idioms
invite students to find out his / her Chinese Zodiac
Invite students to use the sentence pattern"你属什么? 我属————。” to ask other's Chinese Zodiac
Wrap up : interesting website
Chinese Zodiac
The Great Race - Chinese Zodiac
TED TALK The Chinese zodiac,