Dear all 

This week we are going to review sentences related to number like "你多大? 我三十岁。 How old are you? I am thirty years old." "今天星期几? 今天星期一 What day is today? Today is Monday." " 今天几月几号? 今天一月三十号 What date is today?  Today is Jan 30."  Move on names and self-introduction. And we will have a simple introduction of Chinese New Year. 

 class one 

1. review number from one to 99 



Basic number from one to 99

song from 1 to 100

number from 100 to 999

number from 1000 to 10000


2. review the day and the date



week practice

what day is it today?

date explains

what date is it today?

 listening practice 

1. number 

2. date 

3. phone numbers 


 Answer of the listening 


 class two 

introduce the role of the book 



What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

 Game 1 

make role cards of the book and give each students a role 

they have to ask other's name and switch the card 

three times gave the card to Instroctor  

 Game 2 

invite two volunteers 

give other students a role card 

Instroctor give hints and they have to find the person by saking question 


Introduce name and more new words. 


 self introduction 

give students five minutes to write the scipt

students take turns to do the oral presentation 

others have to answer one question from the instructor 

(each student has to answer at least one question, then she / he may leave 


 class three - Chinese New Year 


warm up

show the real Chinese Calendar and link it with the lunar calendar. 


2020 is the year of mouse, show them the youtube clip " the great race" 

explain 天干 & 地支,the ways that Chinese people use for over a thousand years.

watch another youtube "ted talk - Chinese Zodiac" 

teaching the sentence pattern, "你属什么? 我属————。”

Pactice : 

Chinese hand-writing of 12 animals 

introduce more Chinese four words idioms 




invite students to find out his / her Chinese Zodiac 



Invite students to use the sentence pattern"你属什么? 我属————。” to ask other's Chinese Zodiac 

Wrap up : interesting website

Chinese Zodiac




The Great Race - Chinese Zodiac

TED TALK The Chinese zodiac,



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    Generous Beauty


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