2030雙語國家從第一波師資的培訓建置,到現在第二波的雙語環境建置,最後會漸漸走入制度層面,用計劃內的法規要求各校達到KPI ,既然雙語政策勢在必行,學校端也要及早應變才好。
第一個為學校行政的雙語化。例如: 學校廣播使用雙語,學生朝會使用雙語,學生活動使用雙語等等。
第二個為學校學科老師的雙語教學。今天提供 行政篇跟大家分享
雙語廣播: 總導護篇 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48549016
1. 全校都要知道基本的處室名稱。不要覺得難,天天聽,也就知道了。
教務處: 跟學術相關 academic affairs office 廣播可以直接念 academic office 就好
學術處: 跟學生相關 student affairs office 廣播可以直接念 student office 就好 .
輔導處: 跟引導學生相關。guidance office
總務處: 跟整體的事務有關係,general affairs office 廣播可以直接念 general office 就好 .
合作社 - school store
健康中心 - Health center
警衛室 - Security office
2. 處室廣播的原因
A 請學生到某個地方集合
May I have your attention please.
Here is … office.
The students below please go to …
例子1 : 這裡是學務處廣播,請田徑隊同學,現在到學校穿堂集合。
May I have your attention please. Here is Student affairs office.
Track and Field team members, please go to school hall right now.
B 請學生到某個地方領東西
May I have your attention please.
Here is … office.
The ___ grader, please send one student to … office to take your belongings.
例子2: 這裡是教務處廣播,請六年級派兩位同學到教務處領取物品。
May I have your attention please. Here is acedemic affairs office.
The sixth grader. please send two students to academic affairs office to take your belongings.
C 請某某學生回教室
May I have your attention please.
Here is … office.
3. 608 xxx,please go back to your classroom right now.
例子三: 這裡是學務處廣播,請六年八班王大明同學,現在請立刻回教室。
May I have your attention please. Here is Student affairs office.
608 wang da ming *2 . please go back to your classroom right now.
D 請學生到某個地方抽籤
May I have your attention please.
Here is … office.
The … grader, please send one students to … office to draw lots for the … competition.
例子四: 這裡是學務處廣播,請五年級派一位同學到學務處抽籤運動會跑道籤。
May I have your attention please. Here is student affairs office.
The fifth grader. please send one student to student affairs office to draw lots for the running competition.
3. 其他可能致詞 (學生朝會致詞)
To prevent the spread of diseases, students must wear a mask at all times.
All students should respect public property
Save water and electricity.
Water is a precious resource. Save water, cherish water and love water.
When leaving the classroom, please turn off the lights and air conditioning.
Save energy and together we can protect the planet.
In the event of an earthquake, get under a desk, cover yourself, and hold on to something.
In the event of an earthquake, follow your teacher’s instructions and evacuate to the courtyard.