For the coming Chinese New Year, we are going to write some lucky idioms in Chinese and design the red envelopes on our own.
Most foreigners think that Chinese Idioms are very difficult to understand. As an Instructor, you may vary your activity to make Chinese Idioms easier to understand. Today I would like to combine Chinese New Year and design red envelope together to make Chinese Learning with happiness and joy.
( photo credit: )
Lesson Plan
Show some lucky words and ask questions for Ss' background knowledge. (Last time we talked about some lucky words in Chinese and practice with paper cutting. ) Do you still remember what do those words mean?
Show the youtube of lucky phrases for the Chinese New Year
Choose two to practice with Chinese Handwriting 新年快乐 / 大吉大利
Lesson Plan of Paper cutting
Show the real red envelopes to students and invite students to talk about the words they knew.
Teacher explained that Chinese people are good at switching specific similar sound words to make it a new meaning which is fun and interesting.
吉(lucky) its sound is similar to 桔子 ( tangerine ) so we say 大吉大利 or 大桔大利 。 Thus, tangerine has another meaning of lucky.
平 ( flat) its sound is similar to 苹果 ( apple) so we say 平平安安 (safe) or 苹苹安安. Thus, apple has another meaning of safe
余 ( something left) its sound is similar to 鱼🐟 (fish) so we say 年年有余 or 年年有鱼。 Thus, fish has another meaning of something left.
事 (things ) its sound is similar to 柿子( persimmon )so we say 事事如意 or 柿柿如意。 Thus, persimmon has another meaning of things
Let students know that it is NOT a formal language. It's just like play with words and just for fun. You can have more modern examples, if you want to.
Show the youtube of Red Envelope Culture in China
We all want our red envelope to be special and unique so we have various styles of red envelope like lucky phrases, sur names, and so on.
Teacher offered some idioms that students can use their imagination to great an unique red envelope. Teacher showed Miss Tien's idea first. 诸事大吉, 平平安安。 大吉大利 , 年年有餘 , 事事如意
Teacher showed a youtube 春節手繪紅包教學
Divide the students into groups (three to four people) , and each group give them two idioms to design.
Students have to work together to find out the pinyin of the idiom, know the meaning of idiom and know the meaning of each words.
Teacher walks around and gives each group some hints and advice.
Chineses idioms
一馬當先 , 雙星報喜 , 步步高升 , 心想事成 , 花開富貴
開車大吉 , 恭喜發財 ,財源廣進 , 財源滾滾 , 招財進寶
Group exhibition. Do leave five minites to let each group to present their ideas.
大家好。祝大家 ——————————————。 谢谢
Chinese Holiday Words