申請數位小黃卡 https://dvc.mohw.gov.tw/vapa/apply/Index.logout.ctr
請先準備好你的 健保卡 跟 護照 ,再開始作業唷
點選網站 點選本國人民
依照圖示 輸入您的個人資料
點選 疫苗接種數位證明 ,下面生日跟電子信箱,可以寫一下
[提醒] |
[Remind] |
(1)在國外接種之COVID-19疫苗劑次不納入本數位健康證明。 |
This system doesn't issue COVID-19 certificates for vaccines vaccinated abroad. |
(2)請妥善保存國外接種之COVID-19疫苗證明/紀錄,併同本數位證明妥善保存,以供後續國內外醫療諮詢或查核之需。 |
Please properly keep the records/certificates of COVID-19 vaccines vaccinated abroad, and keep them together with the digital certificate issued by this system for subsequent medical consultation or inspection. |
(3)快篩陽性證明、接觸者隔離證明及確診者指定處所隔離通知書補發非屬歐盟數位新冠證明(EU-DCC)規範,僅供民眾取得證明後於國內自行運用。 |
Positive rapid test results, isolation certificates for contacts, and Reissuing Designated Residence Isolation Notice are not within EU-DCC; citizens and residents can only use them in Taiwan. |
(4)有關檢驗樣本採集日期欄位,如來源資料無採檢日期資訊者,將以檢驗報告日期呈現。 |
Regarding the test sample collection date, if there is no information on the test sample collection date, it will be shown with the test report date. |
上面的日期,是你 最後一次施打疫苗的日期
按下申請,會跳出 類似小黃卡的頁面,此時點選下載就可以把PDF 下載下來,如果入境怕其他國家海關要查驗,也可以印出紙本隨身攜帶。
好久沒出國,希望大家都能順利出關~ 平安回國