Title: Isolation (Oxidation and Reduction reaction) in our daily lives
Subject: Science
Topic: Isolation
Grade: IBMYP10
Phase 1. Identify desired results
Introduction of the Unit
There exists many Oxidation and Reduction reactions in our daily lives like rust, the burning of gas, and photosynthesis. Students will be given a scenario that as a scientist they have to help a factory to isolate metals from wastewater. They have to work together to design an experiment to prove Isolation. They have to make a poster to show the procedures of the experiment and do an oral presentation.
Established Goals (National Standards)
1. Students will be able to make observations from daily experiences, learning activities, and the natural environment.
2. Students will be able to formulate suitable scientific inquiry questions through processes such as observation, data collection, and discussions .
3. Students will be able to design appropriate methods, materials, equipment, and procedures based on the posed questions.
4. Students will be able to operate equipment correctly and safely while maintaining detailed records of experimental results.
5. Students will be able to use scientific terminology and symbols accurately to present one's own inquiry process and findings, as well as to understand others' inquiries.
6. Students will be able to present inquiry results systematically and with scientific rigor.
7. Students will be able to share scientific information with others using various resources.
8. Students will be able to reflect on the applicability and limitations of inquiry results and identify areas for improvement
Unit Web
Conceptual Lens: design and creativity
People isolate mixtures to get pure substances. Isolation may use different techniques like precipitation, filtration, ion exchange resin, crystallization and redox reaction to purify mixture.
Enduring Understandings
Students will be able to explain the experimental procedures and methods.
Students can apply precipitation, filtration, and redox reaction to purify mixture.
Students understand the there are some substances that will cause disease
Essential Qs
What kind of methods people may use to purify mixtures?
How do people separate substances from water?
Why do people need to filter water?
1. The classification of matter and isolation skills
2. Knowing daily examples of isolation
3. Knowing redox reaction and understand by design
4. Use prior knowledge and experimental skills to design a experiment for separating pure substances from mixtures
5. Present main ideas with aids like popster of the framework, graphs, and others.
Critical Content [Students will KNOW]
1. Substances can be classified as pure substances and mixtures.
2. How to use experimental separation techniques to obtain purer substances from mixtures.
3. The specific and general definitions of oxidation and reduction.
4. Common oxidation-reduction reactions in daily life and their applications.
Key Skills [Students will be able to DO]
1. Students will be able to make observations from daily experiences, learning activities, and the natural environment.
2. Students will be able to formulate suitable scientific inquiry questions through processes such as observation, data collection, and discussions .
3. Students will be able to design appropriate methods, materials, equipment, and procedures based on the posed questions.
4. Students will be able to operate equipment correctly and safely while maintaining detailed records of experimental results.
5. Students will be able to use scientific terminology and symbols accurately to present one's own inquiry process and findings, as well as to understand others' inquiries.
6. Students will be able to present inquiry results systematically and with scientific rigor.
7. Students will be able to share scientific information with others using various resources.
8. Students will be able to reflect on the applicability and limitations of inquiry results and identify areas for improvement.
Phase 2. Determine assessment evidence.
Goal: Students can use science knowledge such as Redox reaction to solve real life problem
role: A scientist who is employed by a private factory
audience: citizen
situation: You have to deal with heavy mental wastewater. Try your best to separate metal from the water.
product : Designing an experiment to get the metal from the water.
standards for success: whether you separate the mental from the water or not
Performance Task(s)
You are a scientist who is employed by a private factory and you have to deal with heavy mental wastewater. Try your best to separate metal from the water. Designing an experiment to get the metal for the water.
Other Evidence
conventional tests, assignments, worksheet
Evaluative Criteria
sensible rationales of the designed experiment
students can develop their critical thinking and express their ideas through observation and pedagogical activities
understanding by design
concept based instruction