We are going to practice the sentence pattern, "我是 —— 人“ with different pronouns " by playing a Chinese Board Game.
Lesson plan
wram up
review all the country name with games.
Invite the students to sit in a circle
Pass and read all the cards
play games
Listen and hit ( Chinese card goes first )
put eight chinese cards in the middle of the table
teacher read a word and students have to hit the card
second round
put eight English cards in the middle of the table
teacher read a word and students have to hit the card
Fishing game
Cover all the crads in the middle of the table
students take turns to flip one card and try tyo find another
when you got a pair you can keep the card
Grammar point : country + 人 = the nationality
point and say :
practice : 我是———人
Invite the students to sit in a circle
Pass and read all the cards with the sentence pattern 我是———人
pass it again by changing the pronoun into 你 -》 你是————人
pass it again by changing the pronoun into 他 -》 他是————人
pass it again by changing the pronoun into 她 -》 她是————人
simple Q&A
Each student takes one card and make a sentence 我是———人
teacher asks question like "你是哪国人?" ”——是哪国人?“
production: Board Game "slamble"
material : cards
Chinese word cards + English cards = eight words = 16 cards *2 = 32
functional cards = 2 STOP + 2 MASTER = 4 cards
hit the card when you see
1. pair - two in a pair
2. sandwich - the first card and the third card is a pair
3. master card
When you see stop card, everyone has to put their hands on their head and say "停"
How to play
four players and each player will have a pronoun card "我 / 你 / 她 / 她"
each player will have 5 cards
players take turns to show the card, read it and put in the middle of the table and wait for the next
What if you see pair, sandwich, or the master card, you have to hit the card as quick as you can.
The one who hits the cards has to make a sentence with his / her pronoun "我 / 你 / 她 / 她" 是———人 "
then take the cards and the game keeps going until all the cards are gone
wrap up
teacher asks question like "你是哪国人?" ”——是哪国人?“