HI, y'all. We learned some places' names and some position words. Now you are going to design a dream community. You can name the street on your own and dicide which stores or ficilities in your community. Besides, you can think one thing you can do in the place and one thing you can not do in the place. Here we go.
dream community activity: ( two classes)
Class one : design the dream community
1. divide the students into three groups (4 to 6 people in a group.)
2. give each group a poster and some stickers
3. they have to design their community on their own.
4. group talk: how many places do we need? How many public areas? Is there special area for pets?
5. each group have 3 minutes talk with teacher and get started.
6. Students have to work together and draw as detail as they can.
- use purple paper to create a place they want and write what can you do here and what can't you do here.
- green paper to create a owner that manage the place. Do write the owner's Name, Age, Job, Nationality
- draw brief map of your community and decorate it in detail.
- write the Chinese name of each lane, road, and other things.
Class two : show & tell oral activity
1. tell students what are we going to do: find a location of your community, you can google your favorite one on earth.
2. give students 10 to 15 minutes to finish the sentences
3. take turn to do show & tell oral activity
4. others ask a question
extra activity: how to tell directions ( one class)
1. introduce some voc like 直走, 左转,右转,街区,
2. introduece the rules:
number the purple card from one to six
each of player create a role and paste it on a purple card.
player rolls the dice to decide where is he/ she going?
other players have to take turns to help her / him to get the position by giving direction one by one.
For example, you are at school and you want to go to supermarket
1st player: 出门后左转
2nd player: 在甜街右转
3rd player: 直走两个街区
4th player: 在灭亡之路右转
5th player: 直走 超市在你的右边
each player takes turns to role the dice.