In this unit, we are going to learn the things you want to buy. Then we are going to learn, "How to use Chinese to bargain with peddlers" in different ways.
Here we go
Let's go shopping ( two to three classes)
warm up: (authentic material)
what do you want to buy on Black Friday? ( Pick up those words as the vocabularies)
introduce the words they said and mention about measure words
make a worksheet for them to practice chinese hand-writing
Presentation: (simple sentences)
review numbers from 1 to 999
measure word of money “———块钱”
expression toward the price and different ways of bargain
太贵了。————¥ 卖不卖。
Practice: let's go shopping
divide the class into groups ( two groups share a poster)
each group has write nice goods they way to sell and they have to google the real price.
when two groups finished, teacher will give each group a shopping list ( depends on what did they write)
students take turns to buy goods by using the sentence pattern below
Production: dialogue practice "role play"
three people in one group and give each one a worksheet
students have to work together to disscuss
1. where are they going shopping?
2. what does the shop have? (at least three things)
3. what do you want to buy? why?
4. the price of the object
5. the way you bargain
I prepared two version of the dialogue, and each group can decide which one do they want
5 minutes discuss and 5 practice
group presentation
dialogue practice "role play"
A: 这家商店卖什么东西? Zhè jiā shāngdiàn mài shénme dōngxī?
B: 这儿卖的东西很多。你看, 有____, 有___, 还有____。Zhè'er mài de dōngxī hěnduō
A: 我得买__个_______, 因为我要。。。Wǒ dé mǎi__gè_______, yīnwèi wǒ yào
小姐/ 先生,请问这个__多少钱? Xiǎojiě/ xiānshēng, qǐngwèn, zhège __duōshǎo qián?
C: _______$。
A: 太贵了。_______$卖不卖?Tài guìle._______$Mài bù mài?
C: 不好意思,这个____的价钱是____$。Bù hǎoyìsi, zhège____de jiàqián shì_____$.
A: 这样吧。我给你_______$, 怎么样?Zhèyàng ba. Wǒ gěi nǐ______$, zěnme yàng?
B: _______。他们这儿不讲价,小姐,有没有便宜一点儿的?Tāmen zhè'er bù jiǎngjià,
A: 我不要便宜的。算了,我们还是去别的商店看一下。Wǒ bùyào piányí de. Suànle
A: 这家商店卖什么东西? Zhè jiā shāngdiàn mài shénme dōngxī?
B: 这儿卖的东西很多。你看, 有____, 有___, 还有____。Zhè'er mài de dōngxī hěnduō
A: 我得买__个_______, 因为我要。。。Wǒ dé mǎi__gè_______, yīnwèi wǒ yào
小姐/ 先生,请问这个__多少钱? Xiǎojiě/ xiānshēng, qǐngwèn, zhège __duōshǎo qián?
C: _______$。
J A:可不可以算我便宜一点儿?Kěbù kěyǐ suàn wǒ piányí yīdiǎn er?
JC:好吧。可以给你员工价_______$。)Hǎo ba. Kěyǐ gěi nǐ yuángōng jià_______$
JB:这样很划算。别家都要___$Zhèyàng hěn huásuàn. biéjiā dōu yào____$
JA:好。帮我包起来。Hǎo. Bāng wǒ bāo qǐlái)
Wrap up:
invite students to talk about The different ways of "bargain"
Is it the same in your country or it's just in China or Taiwan?