Kids learned color in the third grade. If you want to try new activity with STEM ideas, maybe you can try DENSITY. I will spend three to four classes introducing English, two classes for Science LAB (the way they set up for their tube could be engineering ), and one class for math for calculating the density of sugar water.
What is STEM?
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.
Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings.
Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (Mathematics analysis).
English Lesson plan for color ( THIRD GRADE two classes)
In the previous class, students had already learned the pronunciation and phonics of color and they can use the sentence pattern, "What color is it?" "It's ____."
warm up
review colors by a chant
Youtube chant
game: Stroop Effect
show the word one by one with ppt animation
1. say the word
2. say the color of the word
3. Chinese version
The Stroop effect is a phenomenon that occurs when you must say the color of a word but not the name of the word. For example, blue might be printed in red and you must say the color rather than the word.
Start with a picture (Image: swiked / tumblr)
use songs to review the sentence pattern, "What color is it?" "It's ____."
what color is it song
interaction with kids
Production: song writer
divide the class into groups (4 to 6 people in a group)
each group have to find four objects' color in their daily life
use the tune of to create a new song on their own
concert time
each group takes turns to present their song and asks two questions
warp up
Teacher leaves two or three minutes to talk about the presentation and invites students to give feedbacks.
How to combined STEM into you class? It's not as difficult as you thought, as long as you got a good relationship with science teachers or you got fully support from school. If you want to have a STEM lesson in English, you need to prepare lots of materials but trust me it's worthy.
MATH LESSON PLAN ( three classes for third grades)
STEM ACTIVITY "DENSITY LAB" : make a rainbow water
We learned different colors and now we are going to make a rainbow water together. From this lab, students can learned different density of sugar water, the weight is different too. Furthermore, students can calculate density on their own. Also, students can leaned red, yellow, blue are the pure color, with different combination of these three colors we can create different colors. Let's check out.
Before the class, teacher has to prepare some materials
1. beaker * 2 with 100ml water for one group
2. some sugar
3. stirring rot *1 per group
warm up
Start with a photo at DEADSEA. Even though you can't swim, you still can swim and float here due to its density.
give students chances to talk about what do they know about dead sea or density.
watch a youtube about density
density for kids
introduce some new words: density, unit, mass, volume, gram, equation, ml, L, and do on.
watch another youtube for calculating density
calculate density
references for teachers
How to calculate Density
Practice : caculate the density (whole - group - indivisual)
teacher teaches the formula of density and lead the class to do a few practice.
then teacher talks about what we are going to do for the next science lab class, and each group has a mission to make a sugar water with designed density.
The Density Calculator uses the formula p=m/V, or density (p) is equal to mass (m) divided by volume (V). The calculator can use any two of the values to calculate the third. Density is defined as mass per unit volume.
four students in one group.
each group has the density of the sugar water, and 300ml water.
They have to calculate the amount of sugar and operate it.
each group made a poster to talk about their density
warp up
Teacher leaves two or three minutes to talk about the presentation and invites students to give feedbacks.
Do you think math is difficult?
Science Lesson plan for STEM LAB ( THIRD GRADE two classes)
Teacher can use pigment to dye the sugar water into three to five color.
Before the class, teacher has to prepare some materials
1. beaker * 4 for one group ( with 4 different density sugar water)
2. test tube * 6 for one group
3. droppers *8 ( each beaker needs two droppers)
4. two big bowls for each group ( one is for clean water, another is dirty water)
There are lots of lab discipline and safty regulation on the net. I pick out the one from University of Hong Kong as references.
- Whenever you work in the laboratory, please remember that SAFETY COMES FIRST.
- All students using the laboratory MUST read and understand the following laboratory discipline and safety regulations thoroughly at the beginning of the first experiment each year.
- All personnel using the laboratory MUST follow laboratory discipline and regulations at all times. Violation of these regulations is sufficient ground to immediately revoke user's laboratory privilege by the technician-in-charge.
- Eating, drinking, smoking, noisy and unruly behavior are prohibited in the laboratory.
- Unauthorized experiments are strictly prohibited.
- Never perform experimental work in the laboratory alone.
- Great care should be taken in handling electrical and electronic equipment. You will be held responsible for any damage resulting from non-observance of the instructions.
- All electric connections must be completely and properly insulated; all equipment must be grounded.
- Benches and work areas must be kept clean. It is the user's responsibility to maintain a clean and safe working environment for everybody.
- All circuits must be regarded as "alive" at all time. Before touching any circuit, distribution terminals or exposed copper, ensure yourself that it is "dead". When dealing with high voltage, i.e., higher than 50V, it is a good practice to keep one hand in your pocket.
- Always close a switch confidently, never in a hesitating manner. If there is any circuit fault, the protective gear will deal with it and dangerous arcing at the switch contacts will be avoided.
- All d.c. shunt motors, a.c. synchronous and squirrel cage induction motors should be started without load, whenever possible.
- All d.c. series motors, a.c. series and simple repulsion motors must be started with reasonable load.
- All d.c. shunt motors should be started with maximum field excitation.
- Always check the direction of rotation of a motor before loading it with absorption brake.
- Ammeter short circuiting switches should not be opened except when taking readings.
- When the primary of a current transformer carries current, the secondary must not be open-circuited.
- Before leaving the laboratory, switch off all electrical and electronic equipment and remove plugs from sockets, unless otherwise instructed.
- Be aware of the location of all fire-fighting equipment and learn how to operate them.
- In an emergency the technician-in-charge has TOTAL authority to evacuate the area. Evacuation orders MUST be followed.
- Report all accidents and damages to the technician-in-charge or the departmental safety representative.
Reference from University of HK
Teacher does the demonstration of how to make a rainbow water. Then, ask students why?
four students in one group.
each students try their best to make a rainbow water
warp up
Teacher leaves two or three minutes to talk about the presentation and invites students to give feedbacks.
Do you think science is fun?