In the end of the semester, We usually have written test and oral test. Here is the way I help my students to go throght the exam. Here we go
How to review the vocabularies & Chinese Stroke-Order
Teacher can make some word cards, one side is Chinese and the other side is the English translation. Divide the class into groups.
Game one
all the English translation face up.
teacher says the Chinese and students have to pat the correct card.
Student takes turns to say the Chinese
all the Chinese words face up.
teacher says the Chinese and students have to pat the correct card.
Student takes turns to say the Chinese
writing practice
Teacher gives all the students a piece of paper and she shows the English meanings on the board
Students have to write in Chinese on the paper
Teacher will show the answer
What if students have problems with the stroke-order?
youtube: "How to write _____"
Other References : How to write chinese
Dictation / Quiz
teacher says the Chinese and students have to write in Chinese
Chinese - English Translation
Quiz - Match or linking
How to review the sentences
Teacher can make some word cards. One color is N or NP, the other color is Functional words. Divide the class into groups.
Each group has a pile of word cards. Teacher says a sentence, and students have to put them in the correct order.
A+: Alternative sentence:
encourage students to make a new sentence on their own
Game : sentence relay
teacher uses the word cards to make the first sentence.
Then invite the students to take turns to make a sentence
It's better to make connection between each sentence
In the end, we will have a simple stroy
Quiz : uncramble sentences
1. 玛丽家 一只狗 有 三只猫 和
2. 我爸爸 这 妈妈 是 哥哥 和
3. 他 两个哥哥 有 三个姐姐 和
substitution sentences
Teacher can change the number of the date or the time. Divide the class into groups.
give each group a white board and teacher show the date and time, and students have to write it in Chinese.
How to review Questions and Answers ( oral ability)
Teacher can make some question cards. Divide the class into pairs.
pair up students
students take turn to draw one question and ask
the other has to answer the quesiton and ask a new one
DI :
Teacher can offer different level questions like with Pinyin, with English or Chinese ONLY