Statesboro-Bulloch County Library offered different activities, workshops, and lecture for kids and parents to work togehter to learn. In the US, teachers do care about you, and they are not only teach you knowledge but they will be your friends and coach forever. I think that was the best example of holistic educaiton. I joined one workshop that taught teacher teaching mindfulness in the classroom and i think i learn a lot from the instructor. Thanks
If you want to know more, please follow the FB or the official website then you will know more.
Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally,” say Jons Kabat-Zinn. In other word, mindfulness means presenting of heart in the present moment.
Clinical mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn
Why we teach kids mindfulness?
We don't teach Kids how to deal with social relationship or how to use emotional skills to handle your feelings in the formal eduaction so that some students might have difficulty in noticing their feelings and they don't know how to handle nagative feelings either.
In addtion, kids are not mature so they are taking on what others (parent, teacher and friends) want them to be. In other words, they affect by others' word easily. Thus, we teach kids first, knowing what you feel. Second, knowing how to deal with your feelings. Finally, through constantly being aware of your feelings, kids can find their feelings.
Kids are happy because they don't have to worry about life?
No, kids do worry about lots of things, the grade, the friendships, the relationship with family. If you ask them why life is so hard and sometimes so sad, you will hear lots of amazing stories. Therefore, mindfulness is just like a bridge that helps kids to notice their feeling and cope with it.
Scenario 1 : What if Ss fall into deep depression about something, how can I help them?
Kids cares about their family and they do easily get into deep depression withour awareness when there's some changes in the family.
what can teacher do?
Don't say it's not a big deal. Take it easy.
Show your compassion by saying, "I see your sadness / anger." "I believed that something might hurt your feelings." "Can you tell me what is that?"
Listen first and don't reply or answer in the very beginning, to validate Ss' words, to take it seripusly, to make Ss feel you are stand by him / her.
Rely ( offer ways to solve the problems) : You have to believe that YOU ARE MORE THAN ANY OTHER THINGS. you are more important than grade, and any other things make you feel bad. The grade won't change anything but you will. It's okay ......but you have to try to be aware of your feelings and train your mind to answer your problems.
Scenario 2: what if student has emotional and behavioral disorder, what can we do?
they need specific mindfulness training, go and get some help with.
how to teach kids mindfulness
start with a picture book
using five sences to help Ss to feel
TOUCH : feather, smooth rock, pencil
SIGHT : paint splatter, leaves , candle being lit
SOUND : singing bowl ( yoga bowl) , music , bells
TASTE : gummies, salted peanut
SMELL : essential oils, sage, candle blown out
using imagination
Let's play mindfulness / mediation
Hot chocolate breath:
Dandelion breath
Feather breath
Frog om a lily pad
using music
Listen to the song, take a deep breath, to be here now together, take your attention back to the classroom
Renee & Jeremy
Three little birds
Kira Willey
just be
Kindness Mantra
Beautiful Chorus:
I am a being of love
My little light
Be here now
Let me be brave
using exercises & quick moments
Glitter jar: when Ss feel out of control, invite him / her to see the glitter jar.
photo from
singing bowl / mindful minute ( insight timer app)
Calm yourself down: when the bowl sings, you have to stop everything and take a deep breath
counting in & counting out
breathing in , i am breathing in / breathing out , i am breath out ( Thich Nhat hanh)
Before starting the class
Make it as a routine / expected to do that
immediately after a high energy times