Course: IBDP ( Literature Review of International Mindedness )

Why International Mindedness Matters?


        Since President Tsai published the “2030 Bilingual Policy” in 2018, the educational system in Taiwan has undergone significant changes in various ways. Firstly, in higher education, we have implemented “English as a Medium of Instruction.” English is now not only a language but also a tool for learning new things. Secondly, universities have started to train both bilingual and international teachers, offering Taiwanese educators the opportunity to compete internationally. Thirdly, experimental education has been flourishing across Taiwan, giving students the choice to follow the ROC Education System or explore international education systems like the IB. However, compared to foreign students, Taiwanese students still struggle to immerse themselves in other cultures quickly due to a lack of something important: “International Mindedness.” (IM)

        “Why International Mindedness Matters?” According to the International Baccalaureate (IB) mission statement, the programs "encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right" (International Baccalaureate, n.d.). In my point of view, language is like a bridge that brings us closer, but to understand more deeply, you need to immerse yourself in the target culture, be aware of global issues, and demonstrate international competence. In this article, I will elaborate on the definition of International Mindedness and its core components. I will discuss the framework of International Mindedness and present research evidence on its importance and challenges.


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Knowledge Framework 


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IB: how to scaffold Ss to talk Approaches to teaching - removing barriers to learning - What can we do to make participation more comfortable, more inviting for more of our students?

IB: how to scaffold Ss to talk offer framework : asking questions 

“What you said about…makes me wonder…”
“You suggested…would that also apply to…”
“Could you elaborate on…”

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1. **逾越節(#PASSOVER / PESACH)**:

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臺師大原資中心舉辦返鄉活動  前進Fata’an 傾聽部落的聲音

Nga’ay ho salikaka mapolong為了推廣全民原教及讓學生更加貼近了解部落需要及真實生活,臺師大原住民族學生資源中心617日帶領不同科系共12名學生在花蓮光復鄉舉辦四天三夜Nga’ay ho 返鄉服務活動,原住民族學生專責導師Hana’IlidVilian isingkaunan、及原資中心專任助理IpayBoci也共襄盛舉,為部落盡一份心力。

臺師大原資中心舉辦返鄉活動  前進Fata’an 傾聽部落的



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