Godwin-Jones, R. (2023). Emerging spaces for language learning: AI bots, ambient intelligence, and the metaverse. Language Learning & Technology, 27(2), 6–27.
Looking at human communication from the perspective of semiotics extends our view beyond verbal language to consider other sign systems and meaning-making resources. Those include gestures, body language, images, and sounds. From this perspective, the communicative process expands from individual mental processes of verbalizing to include features of the environment, the place and space in which the communication occurs. It may be—and it is increasingly the case today—that language is mediated through digital networks. Online communication has become multimodal in virtually all platforms. At the same time, mobile devices have become indispensable digital companions, extending our perceptive and cognitive abilities. Advances in artificial intelligence are enabling tools that have considerable potential for language learning, as well as creating more complexity in the relationship between humans and the material world. In this column, we will be looking at changing perspectives on the role of place and space in language learning, as mobile, embedded, virtual, and reality-augmenting technologies play an ever-increasing role in our lives. Understanding that dynamic is aided by theories and frameworks such as 4E cognition and sociomaterialism, which posit closer connections between human cognition/language and the world around us.
The article begins by discussing the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it is changing language learning through the use of chatbots and other AI-powered tools. The author then moves on to explore the concept of ambient intelligence, which refers to the use of sensors and other technologies to create immersive learning environments. Finally, the essay discusses the metaverse, a virtual world that allows users to interact with one another and with digital objects.
The author argues that these emerging technologies have the potential to revolutionize language learning by providing students with personalized, immersive, and engaging learning experiences. However, he also notes that there are challenges and ethical concerns associated with these technologies, such as privacy and the potential for bias in AI algorithms. Overall, the essay provides an interesting and thought-provoking look at the potential of emerging technologies to transform language learning.
What are some potential ethical concerns associated with the use of AI bots and ambient intelligence in language learning? How can we ensure that these technologies are used in an ethical and responsible manner?
How can language teachers and educators effectively integrate emerging technologies such as AI bots and the metaverse into their teaching practices? What types of training and support will they need to effectively implement these technologies?
What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of using virtual worlds and immersive environments for language learning? How do these technologies compare to more traditional forms of language learning, such as classroom-based instruction and online courses?