
Levy, M., & Moore, P. J. (2018). Qualitative research in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 22(2), 1–7.



The goal of this special issue is to present arguments and examples relating to the use of qualitative research in computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Why should the CALL domain be one where qualitative research methods and approaches have current relevance, and what is it specifically about the qualitative orientation that we believe is useful and even necessary to motivate and inform research studies both now and in the years ahead? These questions are complex and multifaceted. To approach an answer, we believe we need to think large and small—in other words, to be receptive to the broader contexts in which technology is employed for language learning, as well as to be keenly aware of the sub-components or elements of a CALL activity or task and the many options and decisions that learners confront on the path to completion. In this brief commentary, we argue that there are essentially two features of CALL as a research domain that lend themselves to qualitative approaches. We present these as objectives for qualitative research in CALL: 1. To help clarify and detail the contextual factors—from macro to micro—that impact upon the success (or otherwise) of CALL implementations 2. To inform the design, development, and evaluation of new CALL artefacts (language learning apps, software, learning systems, CALL tasks) through a deeper understanding of the user’s perspective and the dynamic, moment-by-moment processes of CALL task completion (Levy, 2015; Levy & Caws, 2016)



The essay "Qualitative research in CALL" by Levy and Moore (2018) discusses the importance of qualitative research in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The authors argue that while quantitative research has traditionally been the dominant method in CALL, qualitative research is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of the complex processes involved in language learning with technology. They provide examples of qualitative research methods, such as case studies, ethnography, and discourse analysis, that can help researchers uncover the nuances of language learning in technology-mediated environments. Additionally, the authors emphasize the need for triangulation, or the use of multiple methods, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. They conclude by calling for more attention to be given to qualitative research in CALL and for researchers to use qualitative methods to complement quantitative ones.



  1. What are some examples of qualitative research methods that the authors discuss in the essay?
  2. Why do the authors argue that qualitative research is essential for understanding language learning with technology?
  3. What is triangulation, and why do the authors emphasize its importance in qualitative research?



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